DPP: First Date Friday

Jun 04, 2010 10:16

So, it turns out that The Powers That Be lost an arm-wrestling contest to the Shipper Nation, and Kara and Lee are going on their very first date!

As you can see, they're pretty excited. And they should be! Because YOU get to plan this event! That's right. This is your show! You can put them wherever you like-- they can be in the BSG 'verse, our universe, heck, you can put them in Casablanca and give Lee an awesome hat. THE SKY IS THE LIMIT, FOLKS.

So... Where are they going? How did they get there? Where are they staying? What are they wearing? Did they go to a movie? Did they go the firing range? Did they go to a fancy restaurant? Did they eat cheap fast food in the park? Did they cook for each other? Was there even any time for dinner? ;)

BE SAPPY, BE SMUTTY, BE SHIPPERS. ♥ Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!!!
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