What is love?

Jun 05, 2009 00:16

I was just taking a myspace survey and one of the questions was, "Do you believe in true love?" and it kind of pissed me off. I hate being asked this question because it's such a ridiculous thing. How can you NOT believe in true love? If it wasn't "true" you wouldn't call it "love".

There's no such thing as "false love" because if it's false, it isn't love. You wouldn't call it love if you were really thinking about it. It may be a fallacy in many ways, but the way you felt doesn't change. If you love someone or something, it is true love.

The question may be getting at something completely different, and actually I'm 99% sure it is. It's trying to ask me if I believe that there is someone out there waiting to meet each and every one of us, and fall in love. Well no, I don't believe in that. That's being way too passive to call it love anyway. If you want something bad enough, you have to go get it. You can't just expect your "one true love" to come find you. Why the hell do you think people date anyway? They're trying to figure out what they want, and what they need in someone they want to spend years of their life with.

Maybe it's asking me if I believe in love at first sight. I don't believe in that either. You can't just see someone and be like, "I want to spend the rest of my life with them." It doesn't work that way. You're not going to fall in love that quickly. Lust, sure. Love, no. Love is a developed thing, and you're not going to get it just by seeing someone appealing.

I'm probably digging too deep with this. The thing about it is, though, is that love means something different to each and every person out there. Love has no one definition, no standard set of feelings. You can't predict it, and you can't avoid it. It's just something that happens to you, and it can end badly, it can end well, or it could just never end. I think there comes a point at which you care about someone so much, and you confess (be it to yourself, them, people around you, or anyone really) that you love them, and I don't think you'll ever forget that feeling. With each love, there's a new feeling. A new smell, a new sight, a new way of seeing things.

Love is fascinating.

Copyright © Lauren 

love, epic

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