shirley's combative skills.
This is is pretty basic! She is, primarily, an archer and a damned good one; she never misses. She knows swordplay and spearplay as well, but they are far from her greatest skills. ...most people wouldn't know, though. See! So basic because the rest of this is...most definitely not.
shirley's magic.
SO HERE IS THE DEAL: Shirley is a meta's magic lady, is kind of literal! She has a ridiculous abilities list with an even more ridiculous power level attached to it, and I suspect she has more powers than is shown in canon; and it's either a matter of not being shown, not being known, not being developed, or some combination thereof.
Right then.
Get this! Her magic is so powerful she has created residual points in her world from usage, and not only do they last longer than ten millennia, they are only two-thirds her normal power. Basically, get ready, y'all: bitch is a godmodder.
note Here is this thing about Shirley: her existence in canon causes inconsistencies and plot holes. Supposedly, the creators had plans for her but trashed them for what is canon; unfortunately, they don't seem to have thought it through very much. So here is this assumed-to-be Human spirit capable of more than other spirits that range from Human to Dragon and displays an alarming amount of knowledge that no other character does, living or dead. So where the fuck did Shirley get even half her power? Seriously, creators. What the fuck did you do?
Her magic is broken down into primary, secondary, and tertiary.
primary Her element is Light. In the Japanese version of the game, this is, actually, called "Holy." Given Shirley is millennia-old and has a shrine in her dedication, Holy is more accurate to her, but for the most part, the name is interchangeable. Her attacks are strongest against other Light-based beings and weakest against Darkness-based beings.
Because Light is associated with restoration, it shouldn't be a surprise that Shirley is a healer! Virtually, there is not a single injury she cannot heal, but there are rules to Death that she can't flout. If you are dying, that is beyond her power (of itself). She can, also, neutralize drugs effecting the body and or mind.
This doesn't mean she can't use her magic offensively! She makes pretty light shows, but they can hack your limbs off or put holes in you. Oh, and she can cause explosions on you. Enjoy that, bro. She knows other spells that are of different elements, too, but her effect with those is nowhere as powerful. ...which is relative without another person from Endiness to compare this to.
secondary Being a
ghost, she does typical ghost things: appear out of thin air, float, and make ominous comments. There is no rhyme or reason, and if she does give you any, be prepared to find out she is trolling and yanking your chain. tbh, this may not even count as magic in her world, but uh, it's supernatural, so! Moving on.
I really have no idea how or why she has the following abilities, but she does. She can shapeshift, though this is used sparingly. (In Anatole, she can become corporeal.) More importantly, she has this super weird and vague power that can't even be called omniscience but the ability to become omniscient. SEE, VAGUE. It's not made clear how, though, because it's not convenient to the game's ridiculous plot. What this means! Shirley has access to the past, present, future, and the most intimate details that did, can, and will influence events; it isn't completely automatic, though, and as she will put it, she has to "speak" or "listen" particularly hard in some cases. Usually, she uses the future-seeing aspect of this for divining and guiding others.
Also...she can anchor restless spirits to a place, and I have nfi if this is a power she had before death or after. The combination of this and her shapeshifting, though, is what leads me to believe she can do much more than what she does in game.
tertiary Shirley is a Knight of the Dragon - otherwise known as a Dragoon. By default of being a Dragoon, she exists on a higher plane of being because, no matter your species, "destiny" dictates it is your obligation to govern Dragons; basically, she has transcended her Human brethren.
She has a pretty, little white stone in her possession. Don't touch it, it's an indestructible synthesis of a Dragon spirit. Also, Elior only likes Shirley (unless you are Shana or Miranda, too!). Because true story: in order to become a Dragoon, you have to defeat a Dragon (read: kill it), and if your own spirit is worthy enough, it will, then, submit itself to you. Tough critics!
So meet Elior. Somehow, that is a Dragon. Elior is a White Silver Dragon, and his element is Light. Which means his magic is, primarily, healing and, like Shirley, is weak against Darkness-based spells. Time for the scary part: his magic's limit exceeds Shirley's. Where Shirley can heal only one person at a time, he can heal multiple persons and even resurrect them from death (however, the Mist has disabled this in Anatole); and where Shirley creates residual points, Elior just says, FUCK YOU, to gravity. Dragons' magic is so bad, actually, there is an entire valley with fucked gravity millennia after they are gone
When he aides her, she transforms into an
armor type and can use his magic. The downside of which is Shirley is left incredibly drained, though not as bad as when she was younger, and Elior can refuse to help her. Not that he would be that much of a jerk...
magic spells.
Spells are listed defensive to offensive and according to destructive power. The higher the list goes, the more likely who- or whatever on the receiving is dead. Take note, though: this isn't Sailor Moon magic or anything; she doesn't call out her attacks, and because she is so damn good, there is a very, very short timeframe between a spell's casting and a spell's effects. Strike-through text is what the Mist has disabled.
shirley's magic
heal ...self-explanatory. Shirley's healing is accompanied by gold, blinding light, and the area(s) of the body healed are warm and tingle. If it is a particularly bad injury, it may burn even - it'll pass quickly, at least.
transfer As in health transfer! Which should be self-explanatory as well. It's kind of horrific, though, to consider that she can use this continuously; Shirley would be, gradually, draining a person of their life force until nothing is left.
translight Boom, multiple explosions occur in her target's face. No kill like overkill, apparently. This only effects one enemy, but others could, theoretically, be caught in peripheral explosions.
dancing ray When this spell is cast, the sky turns gold, and several colorful lights descend. They, then, multiply and roam a wide area and continue to multiple, causing damage in their wake. Injuries range from a concussion to a severed body.
spectral flash This seems so harmless, at first! Invoking the seven elements in Endiness, seven stones surround an area; light appears in the center of each stone, reaching upward. Then, the stones begin moving in a circle, gaining speed as the lights begin to intersect in a downward motion - white light flashes, the stones disappearing, and Shirley's target(s) have been obliterated.
elior's magic
moon light Shirley shoots an arrow of light skyward, and a gold light descends where she stands. It engulfs her and then, spreads outward toward a chosen person; said person is healed to their full health or resurrected to half their health.
gates of heaven DESPITE WHAT I SAID ABOVE, this is a spell that she verbalizes; since she appeals to "Heaven," Shirley initializes this spell by prayer. A column of light appears before her; slowly, it brightens, and its middle widens as it forms the image of wings. The light, then, becomes so blinding, it's impossible see. It passes quickly, and multiple people have been healed and or revived.
star children Is a volley of stars that descends quickly! She controls this spell with her hands - her right hand stops the volley, as light gathers inward toward the target(s); her left hand finalizes the spell, and the target(s) are consumed by dreidel-shaped columns of light. What still exists after Star Children steams.
white silver dragon summon Well, she summons Elior! Who proceeds to operate, mainly, in two ways: using laser-like light beams to attack enemies, who explode, which causes the ground to crack and steam; and using flashes of colorful light that heals and or revives allies completely. Elior is capable of more, but these are the main uses of his magic in battle.
miscellaneous Not exactly counting as spells, Shirley can use Elior's magic for flight, arrows of light, low-level healing, and shielding. Even not transformed, she can use his magic to heal. Unlike Shirley's magic, though, his healing is accompanied by a silver, blinding light and coldness.
Basically, don't fuck with Shirley.