❀ 006 - Delivered to the hand of the Soutaichou

Oct 24, 2009 20:07

[[Filter: Private to Ukitake (not over the Kounisshimou). BACKDATED to the morning of Thursday October 22nd]]

Official and Confidential Report from the 6th Division
Date: Thursday October 23
Time: Sunrise to sunset
Location: Old Karakura, Japan, the Living World
Officers: Kuchiki Byakuya, Captain 6th Division; Abarai Renji, Captain 5th Division; Komamura Sajin, Captain 7th Division; All 17 seated officers of the 6th division and all companies.
Summary of mission: Upon the Soutaichou's orders, the above noted officers acted upon a preliminary plan to eradicate the 'Snatcher' hollows from Karakura. This plan was met with failure.

Complete mission details:
Tuesday October 13, Ukitake Soutaichou handed down the order to Kuchiki-taichou to have the sixth division work on tracking down and destroying the hollows (so-called 'Snatchers') that the Octava is using to take victims to Huecto Mundo. Kuchiki-taichou is to have access to whatever resources he deems necessary in order to accomplish this. Testimonies from those captured and present at the incidents as well as all current information on the Snatchers was given (3 pages). A preliminary plan was presented, involving having nets of officers search the city, then communicate to the leaders when a Snatcher was spotted. However effective communication would be essential to ensure the safety of the officers. Permission was granted to enlist Abarai-taichou and Komamura-taichou to the operation by virtue of their tracking abilities and experience.

Wednesday October 14, Kuchiki-taichou approached Komamura-taichou in regards to this mission. He accepted to join, as well as contributing the plan for new and effective communication devices. Komamura-taichou approached the 12th Division to produce the devices in a one week deadline.

Sunday October 18, Kuchiki-taichou approached Abarai-taichou in regards to this mission. He accepted to join.

Between October 14th and October 20th Kuchiki-taichou surveyed the Living World with the purpose to make an effective plan for the search net.

Tuesday October 20, Komamura-taichou briefed all officers on the use of the new communication devices.

Wednesday October 21st, before dawn all officers left Soul Society for the Living World.
All officers of the 6th Division were deployed as directed by Kuchiki-taichou. Then the three Captains also tracked through Karakura separately to find the Snatchers.

At approximately 7:45am Kimura Ren 6-seki reported a strange, heavy reiatsu. All three Captains reported to the coordinates at once, but found that the traces were already far dissipated. Following the slight trace that there was Komamura-taichou led them to a busy intersection where the trace ended. There were many humans there and Abarai-taichou suspected that the monster had used it's technique to look like a Plus soul to blend in. Despite scouring the area no further trace of reiatsu was found.

At approximately 3pm Komamura-taichou reported a visual confirmation on the location of a Snatcher. The other two Captains arrived immediately, as they were close in proximity at the time. The monster was fleeing rapidly, and the three Captains pursued. As they were nearly within range to attack, it paused the moment necessary to open a gargantua and return to Hueco Mundo. By a mere fraction of a second their blades missed the target.

No further sightings were reported this day. It is suspected that the monsters were cautious after the two encounters and completely avoided detection.

Closing Comments by the Reporting Officer:
The plan to simply eradicate the Snatcher monsters was met with failure this time. However, some information was gleaned and reinforced from these two encounters. The monsters are evasive, fast, hide their reiatsu well, can disguise themselves as Plus souls, and can use a gargantua to effect their escape. Their skills in combat remain unknown as they have only escaped thus far.

As a note, I refer to there being multiple Snatchers because of how the Octava seems to operate. It is simple to suspect that he would not be satisfied with only one unique specimen if it performed to his expectations well, which it has. So I am forced to conclude that there could be many of these monsters, as many as 10 or 15, possibly more.

The risk to the Shinigami who are on Konso mission is extremely high. Also, it is not known if Snatchers target other souls than Shinigami. Plus souls may be at risk as well.

To the Soutaichou I recommend the following:
-A second hunting mission be conducted next week. Abarai-taichou and Komamura-taichou are agreeable to implementing a new plan.
-That the gentei seal not be applied to the Captains. Given the difficulty in closing in with the enemy, a lack of power is not an option when the oppurtunity finally comes.
-The Konsou mission groups be reinforced with extra members. Because the Snatchers are evasive by nature, they will likely avoid very large groups. However it has been shown that they will try to lure one Shinigami away from the group, so extreme caution must be exercised at all times.

Thus concludes the report given by:

六番隊 隊長 - 朽木 白哉
Captain of the 6th Division - Kuchiki Byakuya

plan would be good, snatchers, octava, official report, missing shinigami, soutaichou

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