[The usual. On paper, lock and kidou]
December 23, 2009
Events are moving forward, and some unexpected happenings have added to the intensity of the past couple weeks.
Unohana-taichou was unexpectedly ferocious in her training in zanjutsu. She has agreed to see me as often as possible, which may only be once every two weeks. However, every minute spent under her instruction is valuable. ...The lessons are in more than just zanjutsu.
Kidou training with Ushouda has been proceeding smoothly. Senbonzakura's claim about his power and proficiency was not greatly exaggerated, to my surprise. Kidou in the 90s are quite unwieldy - the chants are ungainly as well - but already I am experiencing more power with the 80s and below. Ushouda has a fair amount of idle time, so I can work frequently with him.
Yoruichi... has been nearly impossible to reach as usual, but she has acquiesced to "give me some pointers" on occasion. Loathsome as the experiences are, training with her (when she designs to do proper training) always shows benefit.
The usage of a moving target to enhance the training of Kageyoshi seems to have shown some benefit.
Research within the Kuchiki clan's history unveiled a most spectacular find.
The Reiryokukyuujun (灵力噏盾; Spirit Power Inhaling/Absorbing Shield) was a relic used long ago. According to the record, it was said to have the ability to block even the most fearsome bankai. The energy would be stored within the mystical etchings on the front up to a limit. Once the limit approached bakudou kidou had to be used to empty the shield. There was also a warning that should the release be done incorrectly a disastrous explosion of energy would result.
I was able to uncover this shield just a week ago, sealed in the second storehouse.
I dare not mention it to anyone yet, for the use of this artifact must be mastered before I can incorporate it into any plan. However, I feel that the months of research have been rewarded now.
Every other night I have been taking the shield out to the wilderness past Rukongai to practice. It is easy to move for although it is large, standing as tall as my chest, it is as light as balsa wood. That is, until the energy of an attack fills it.
Senbonzakura has been most helpful in my practicing how to properly use the shield. However, without more practical instructions from the records to go on, it is a matter of time consuming trial-and-error.
There is also the matter of how such a relatively small shield can stop a large bankai, although the record states it is possible. Once I exhaust the possibilities from Senbonzakura's attacks, I may have to trust another Captain for assistance.
I hope that Kyouraku or one of the others will find other useful artifacts.
All these things take time, the commodity that we do not even know how much of it we have.
The first dinner this month with Rukia was most interesting. I was quite pleased that she was so sincere with me, and... I with her. There is still much to discuss on those issues, however. The prospect of Kurosaki Ichigo marrying into the Kuchiki line remains rather unpleasant, however for Rukia's sake I will see what comes of it. First comes the matter of courtship. I am pleased that Kurosaki is showing such serious intention, but he likely does not appreciate what he would be coming into. I must make it known to him.
The sooner, the better.
[[geez, wordy much? XD]]