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Comments 23

ember_firedrake August 6 2013, 01:36:08 UTC
I'm of a couple minds about the casting. On the one hand, lots of respect for Capaldi, and like you I'm happy he's older (though a small part of that is schadenfreude over all the fans going "OMG HE'S OLLLLD" "WHY ISN'T HE HOT NOOOOO").

But I really do wish they'd shaken the mold a little bit with someone not-white or not-male (but I'd only take a female doctor if Moffat wasn't writing her).

Regardless, I'm waiting for the day when Moffat announces his departure. He can take his gross comments and gtfo.


nobleplatypus August 6 2013, 01:49:25 UTC
Mmmmhm. I'm also rather annoyed that they apparently weren't even really considering anyone else. It's hard to argue that you picked the best actor for the job if you didn't allow any other actors to even get their foot in the door.

It struck me the other day that I've basically been watching Doctor Who as if there is an ongoing body-snatcher subplot in which the Doctor's been hijacked by some evil alien that occasionally does a decent Doctor impression but just as often lets its true nature shine through. And I like the Doctor enough that I'm willing to wait for this dumb subplot to be over if it means we get him back, but I am also just so sick of this subplot and so uninvested in anything that happens while the jerkface alien is controlling his brain.


artekka August 7 2013, 16:32:30 UTC
...that sounds like a fic plotbunny to me...


barsukthom August 6 2013, 03:21:02 UTC
I like your "Doctor-Hosting-a-Symbiote" theory...
He's been in Dr Who before, too; he played Caecilius in the Pompeii episode w Donna. (Which I'm particularily fond of, because his family was central in my 7th grade Latin text)


nobleplatypus August 6 2013, 03:26:27 UTC
It makes enough sense to me that I could almost believe it was intended, but let's face it, if the Doctor HAD been brain-snatched, Moffat would not have been able to resist being all "WOOOO WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE DOCTOR? IT'S A MYSTERYYYYY WOOOOO WHAT COULD IT BEEEEEEEE?"

Yes! And he played Islington in "Neverwhere"!


ember_firedrake August 6 2013, 04:01:15 UTC
The angel has the phonebox ;)


nobleplatypus August 6 2013, 13:32:14 UTC


philosophercat August 6 2013, 13:13:39 UTC
I didn't get to see/hear Moff's comment re: the Queen but I'd heard he made some (expectedly) dumb, trolling comments. It's fair to say that I feel the same, plus I *am* enjoying the wailing about the Doctor being old. I read an article from the Daily Fail (uuuhhhh) which reposted dumb comments from fans about how "the Doctor is supposed to be young." Not paying attention, these young 'uns! Still, their grief amuses me. :P Back at the eleventh Doctor com on LJ, people are showing almost no interest really. Mostly optimism, with a little sad desperation that there be some hot River/12 action because they can't get enough of bad writing, I guess. ;)


barsukthom August 6 2013, 14:06:16 UTC
My BiL declared, "Finally! The Doctor is younger than ME again!"


veronica_rich August 6 2013, 17:14:49 UTC
The thing about Moffat, I suppose, is he's under economic demands like any other producer. No, he could choose not to say stupid shit out loud and in public (and frontier justice forced his Twitter shutdown thanks to his conduct), but the fact is that youth sells and it's been under the last two young actors (and their interactions with female companions, for good or ill) that "Doctor Who" has gone from a known-but-still-obscure show to a worldwide earner in merchandise, DVD sales, and syndication. He sort of can't help that this is what a LOT of new, younger, spending fans seem to want ... any more than T&T could largely help that a lot of the POTC fans were rabid over J/E above all else.



nobleplatypus August 6 2013, 23:38:35 UTC
I can't say I blame Moffat for the fanpoodles or their relentless shipping; it was RTD who took the show in that direction with Ten and Rose, and both RTD and Moffat have since had to deal with the messy repercussions of that choice. It was definitely lucrative, but it's also fundamentally unsustainable: you can't have every single female companion be the Doctor's One True Love.

It's probably to Moffat's credit that he doesn't seem all that keen on playing up the romance angle (though his idea of romance tends to veer towards the creepy and problematic end of the spectrum, anyway), but it'll be hard to shake it entirely. Still, it's not like he's the one who set that particular ball rolling.


hukbillgoomba August 6 2013, 17:31:25 UTC
Moffat is a colossal liar, and not a very good one. I am really, really, looking forward to the tell-all stories that come out in, say, ten years time when people look back on his time in charge. Like, a lot of people from the John Nathan Turner era later came out to say he was a bit of a cock at times, exposed a lot of the lies that went into the media etc. I'd love to see what people think of Moffat ( ... )


nobleplatypus August 6 2013, 18:11:41 UTC
YES. I'm really curious to hear what people have to say when their paychecks no longer compel them to be polite.

I know what you mean about Matt Smith. I think some of it might just be that he's leaving before he really wants to leave, because of the whole 'get out before it becomes a chore' line of reasoning that Tennant seemed to be following, too. But it seemed like Matt Smith was given a much lower quality of writing to work with, overall, so I wouldn't blame him if he also just felt a bit frustrated with where the show/character was going (or deliberately refusing to go, since Moffat seemed to be all about arresting character development at every turn).

And RIGHT? It's both hilarious and infuriating to me that in showing a trailer at Comicon, he managed to completely miss the point of both trailers and Comicon. To say nothing of how douchey it is of him to try and micromanage his own fandom, like we should all answer to him. Ugh.


hukbillgoomba August 6 2013, 18:58:30 UTC
The thing that I find quite upsetting is that the Eleventh Doctor will forever be a wasted opportunity. Matt is a good actor, but so much was squandered on cheap laughs and Moffwank. I just pray that Capaldi gets to work with another head writer. :|

The worse Moffat gets, the more I realise that RTD actually needs a lot of kudos for keeping him in line from 2005 to 10. :\


circlingfreedom August 7 2013, 03:33:57 UTC
I agree with you! I cannot wait for it not to be "I'm getting married tomorrow so I'll just sleep with you right NOW!" crap.

That girls reaction I saw screaming "EWW! And he's OLD!!" that was pretty funny though.

I saw him walk out and thought WOOOHOOOO!!! Let's get our show back!


nobleplatypus August 7 2013, 03:49:26 UTC
I do kind of understand why people wouldn't get into Classic Who, because it's a pretty expensive endeavor if you go about it legally, but I have no pity at all for people who honestly act as if everything pre-Nine just didn't happen. If you're that determined to remain ignorant, that's on you. :P

Also, to be clear, I place the blame for much of the past few seasons' troubling shit squarely on Moffat's shoulders, and I'm not convinced that casting an older Doctor means he's going to stop peppering his episodes with misogynistic one-liners or giving the Doctor sexist attitudes that don't make a lick of logical sense for the character. I expect it's just going to be a different flavor of gross. But if there's less romantic/sexual tension between the Doctor and his companions, I'll count that as a silver lining.


circlingfreedom August 7 2013, 10:04:04 UTC
I still have so much trouble getting my head around the fact that the genius who wrote 'Blink' is the idiot who has been the head writer for the past 2 seasons... or 4 seasons... or however long it's been.

Tension? There was no tension there was full on revulsion coming from my side of the set anyway.

Now, I like River. And, I came around to the idea of her with the doctor. I still cringed when it was Matt playing up against her but I liked the Um can't think of the word... rubix cubeiness of it?

I have started watching old Who but I find him as a cantankerous old bastard hard to watch in large doses. I think I'll get back to that marathon when I finish watching Voyager.

This is a year of watching tv shows I never watched when they were on air.


veronica_rich August 9 2013, 18:40:30 UTC
I think a podcaster I like to listen to summed Moffat up pretty well: "As a writer, he's the best Who has. As showrunner ... not so much."


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