Back on my mama's retirement home computer for a minute to record some initial impressions of HBP.
1) Dumbledore and Snape obviously agreed that, if push came to shove, Snape would deliver the coup de grace to save Draco and keep his cover. That's what their overheard argument was about; that's why Snape's face was so suffused with pain during his final conversation with Harry. I have no doubt about this, and I'm a cynical wench. He broke my heart.
2) Poor Draco. Not such a tough cookie, wot? Just another scared kid. But whoa, Harry's blond obsession was a hoot -- stalking and tracking and and stalking and tracking... Ginny's just a beard, man.
3) I actually felt sorry for Dumbledore... mainly for having to put up with Harry's incessant questions.
4) Interesting that Tom Riddle was a sociopath from an early age. I'd had him pegged as more of an abused child during his orphanage days.
5) Ze Phonetic!Fleur has replaced CAPSLOCK!HARRY as the most annoying conceit in the HP series.
6) I thought the opening chapter was some of the best prose JKR's ever written, and the final chapter some of the worst.
So... those are my thoughts for now. Will think of something more coherent after I digest the text a bit. In the meantime, I'm gonna see what all you Potter scholars have to say. Pip pip.