another picspam for
jjverse 's big bang :D
Charlie: Charlie Francis.
Peter: Peter Bishop.
It's pleasure to meet you.
Come on in. What can I do for you guys?
Olivia: Uh, Mr. Bishop, we're concerned for your safety.
Peter: What's this?
Olivia: This was given to me by an acquaintance of your father.
An observer.
Peter: An observer?
Olivia: He gave it to me, I think, to warm me about what
would happen to you, If you ever returned here.
Peter: What's going on?
Olivia: He wants you to know that your friends are here,
and that they have come to keep you safe.
Charlie: Hey, Liv, what the hell are you talking about?
Olivia: Oh, God.
Peter, it's me.
Peter: Thanks, I think I just figured that out.
Peter: He lied to me.
He told me I could heal the problems of this world.
My father told me that all the problems out there
started when Walter came over and stole me.
And that, now that I was back, I was gonna be able to help to fix it.
But his bringing me back was never about fixing this universe.
It was about destroying yours.
I'm sorry.
How long did you know?
Olivia: A few weeks.
Peter, I...
Peter: ...don't worry.
I'm not gonna let them do this.
Olivia: I don't think that he can.
I mean, not without you.
Olivia: Peter...
You don't belong here.
Peter: No, I don't belong here.
But I don't belong there,
Olivia: Yes, you do.
I have thought of 100 reasons...
Why you should come back.
To--to fight the shapeshifters,
To take care of Walter,
to--to save the world.
But in the end...
You have to come back.
Because you belong with me.
Plus, a little gift:
*dies and her ghost hopes that you'll leave a few nice comments for her last work* xD
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