Day 49

Apr 30, 2007 03:45

Who: Roxas
When: Day 49 before sun rise
Where: Clearing outside Rukongai
Private/Public?: private
Warnings: Roxas running himself into the ground

The almost bassey thuds of rain colliding with the solid roof tops in Rukongai managed to drown out the occassional splash or other noises made as the only person in the ancient town foolish enough to be awake at such an hour made his way towards the main gates. Although it was nearly pitch dark, the short leather clad form stepped over the small branches and debrit that managed to wash into his path as he walked towards a clearing outside of town. The foliage only seemed thicken as he approached it and was a little frustrated to find the weight of the rain had caused the branches to lean downward blocking his normal entrance in. Pushing them aside he finally stepped into the somewhat overgrown grass of the clearing and headed towards the center.

This has become a nightly habit for him, sleep forgotten until the first signs of sunlight start to show. Blonde, damp, hair could be seen hanging down under the hood of the jacket protecting him from the downpour as he used one of his abilities to make the ground around him faintly glow. Blue eyes adjusted as he summoned a dozen or so Samurai nobodies before him and felt the comfortable weight of his keyblades rest in his hands. Giving one last glance to the group of nobodies in front of him Roxas finally spoke for the first time since the evening before giving them a single word order of, "Chase." Even before the word is completely passed his lips the glow completely died cloaking them in nearly pitch darkness once again.

Roxas immediately threw himself forward into the group using oathkeeper to knock aside 2 of the Samurai, not pausing in his dash for the other side of the clearing. Behind him he could hear the rest of the group turn and give chase while his eyes were forced to adapt to the darkness once again. Within a few paces he made it to the other edge of clearing and using his built up momentum threw himself through the looser foliage and into the obstacle course of trees and rocks. The downpour only added to the challenge forcing him to be more cautious in his steps as he moved from rock to rock and finally branch to branch, occasionally pausing to bat away a nobody who managed to catch up.

An especially slick branch became an issue as it caused him to slide and collide into another much thicker one. So thrown off he was forced to hook the teeth of Oblivion onto another nearby branch to swing down to the ground. Landing with a thud and a haphazard roll Roxas added a few more bumps and bruises to the larger one he was sure was going to be coloring his ribs later that day. He was still climbing to his feet when the first of the Samurai nobodies caught up with him. Blocking the first set of attacks he managed, with major dissaproval of his side, to push them all back enough to attack.

Within a few moments he managed to damage a couple of them enough to decommision them and dissapear. It still wasn't enough as another group of the nobodies made their way into the already cramped space. The sheer number was making it difficult to move and Roxas had to hold back the urge to cry out as one of their blades ran across his bicep, slicing open his jacket and arm in the process. His moves became somewhat desperate as he swung out again knocking a group of 4 to the side and in the process decommissioning another 2 before taking to the trees again. Running a few more paces he was again forced to pause in his dash to take out another Samurai and change directions to avoid the other 7 still pursueing him.

This had become a nightly routine for Roxas, beginning occassionaly after his memories were becoming unlocked by meeting Riku and increasing in frequence until recently. After learning the truth about his heart he found himself incapable of sleep until the very early hours when he was too exhausted mentally and physically to continue. Even then he only managed a couple hours of rest until he was once again awake to prepare for his day of watching. No matter how much toiled in his mind over it the questions that persisted after him only seemed to become more unbearable as he laid in bed, to the point where the silence of the room became too much and the almost desperate need to release his aggrivation forced him out into the night.

Dodging another of the Samurai's blades Roxas managed to parry a second, wincing as his arm protested against the movement. Still stubborn despite the injury he pushed more of his weight into it managing to knock the nobody off the branch and to the ground. Glancing down for a moment he counted down his mental tally of remaing Samurai and turned using his momentum to throw Oathkeeper back at the 3 which were closely following. The blade made impact with the first throwing it backwards into 2nd and both, tangled limbs and all fell to the ground. Oathkeeper still managed to keep some of its momentum from the throw and finally hit the 3rd, knocking into a tree before joined the others on the ground.

The slickness of the rain on the branches was beginning to become more of a danger than the remaining nobodies and decided more open spaces would be better. Pushing off the trunk of a larger tree Roxas managed to quickly change directions, with good timing he noted hearing a Samurai slam full force into the same tree he pushed off of. Running a few yards he was able to put some distance before turning again in the direction of the clearing. Within a few minutes he could barely make out the thick foliage bordering the clearing and brought the keyblades up to help protect him as he threw himself through the bundle of thinner branches.

Even compensating for the extra resistance from the branches weighed down with rain it was still a bit denser than he would have liked and caused him to be thrown off balancea little. Landing in a rather messy roll he pulled himselfquickly to his feet and quickly noted the number of smaller bruises he probably managed to add to the others he'd aquired in the past few days. Moments later the first of the 3 remaining Samurai followed and was quickly knocked aside with a powerful blow. The other two came through much closer to each other but still ended up in the same condition as the others and Roxas was finally left standing alone as they left to lick their wounds. In hind sight he almost wished he had the strenght and resources to continue the training but was finding it difficult to keep himself steady.

Some nights he would be the one chasing, where other nights he would face his Samurai nobodies face to face. Still no matter how many times he managed to hold them off or come out the victor he was still left with the dull throb of emptiness in his chest, which only reminded him of just how helpless a situation he was in. This night was no different as he finally swayed before falling to his knees, the only thing keeping him upright being his hold on Oathkeeper. Oblivion landed with a thud next to him, hand still wrapped loosely around the hilt while as he panted, the run and already discoloring ribs making breath more difficult than usual to gather.

The world seemed to spin and Roxas clenshed his eyes closed to fend off the intense feeling of vertigo he felt wash over him. Adrenalin was seeping out of his system and the aches and pains from the collection of injuries and exhaustion spread across him. His grip on Oathkeeper finally faltered and his other arm was far too weak as he fell to his side in a heap. Roxas was far too exhausted physically and mentally to care an just enjoyed the sound of rain pounding on his jacket and the ground around it, his mind thankfully blank.

It was only when he feel the thick cold drops of rain running across his forehead that he opened his eyes to find that his hood must have fallen back at some point and he glanced up just barely making out the slightly lighter tint the clouds had, which could only be a result of the sun getting ready to rise. Closing his eyes again he took in the silence apart from the rain before finally drawing up enough strength to push himself back up to his knees and finally climb to his feet. He looked back down finding both keyblades where they had fallen and almost wondered why they hadn't left when he collapsed but gave the thought little time dismissing them. Looking back in the direction of town he weighed the options of walking back to porting back and deciding a warm shower was worth the small headache he would be waking it later that morning from draining himself too much. Opening a portal back to his "home" within Rukongai he was almost thankful he decided to, feeling just how weak the lack of adrenaline left him.
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