Preliminary examinations are now complete. Save for lacking a connection to either a body or a brain, the item in question seems to be perfectly functional; the presence of barnacles on the exterior, while disturbing, seems to not interfere with its function whatsoever. This may have been a side effect of the curse that is now present on the man himself.
Similarly, it seems that the only inherent enchantment present on it is the one that keeps it 'alive' despite being separated from its owner. However, it does not seem to be quite the same as whatever has separated us from our hearts. Further exploration will need to be undertaken, possibly to the extent of requesting the Keybearer look into the man himself; going myself would not be a feasible option as long as I hold the heart unless it is left here and I would rather have it as a bargaining chip.
For example, to rescue the Keybearer should he run into difficulties. But for now, I shall wait and see what else presents itself.