Name: Kim
Livejournal Username:
AIM/MSN: kujoismydog@AIM
Current Characters at Luceti: N/A
Name: Harold Adrian Russell ‘Kim’ Philby
Fandom: Cambridge Spies
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Time Period: 1945
Wing Color Bright Red! Commyred.
Kim Philby may act like a cold, heartless bastard but that's only because he's pretending to be a cold, heartless bastard!
Kim has two separate faces between his work and home life. That is not to say they're different personalities, just different aspects. Kim is very much sane, however much we continue to speculate.
At first these two facets of himself are very far from each other. But as his experience grows and the horrors he's bared witness to increase in number, so to his slightly cold, quiet and anxious self.
Being a spy and working in British Intelligence, Kim can't afford to become attached to those he works with or interacts with or he could potentially be compromised or found out by someone within his work place. Thus, he maintains a careful wall between him and everyone. Not to the point that he seems unkind, but it wouldn't take a genius to see that he didn't really care to get to know anyone. Friendly, but not too friendly.
There is an easy example of this in the way he treats both Guy Liddell (an actual friend) and James Jesus Angleton (a newbie at this point, assigned to shadow him) while all three were in the same room.
When Kim guessed that the British were breaking German enigma, Liddell smiled and dismissed an excited and happy Philby. Once Angleton started guessing as to why they were told such vital information, Kim hurriedly dismissed him with a hurried 'There's a good chap' and complete disinterest.
In reality, Kim Philby is a very passionate and kind man. When with his friends and fellow spies, Kim is often seen laughing or making some slight quip alongside them. Constantly amused and happy to simply be himself when he is so often not allowed the luxury.
There's even a physical change between Kim's working and private self. As himself, with no fronts, Kim does not like to wear ties, jackets or even his shirt tucked in or buttoned completely. He's been this way since we first met him at Cambridge. He would, of course, wear a tie when it was required of him to do it - but the very instant he was free from his obligation Kim would take it off.
If there's one thing that connects both sides of Kim Philby, it is his sympathy for those he harms despite his actions. We witness Kim staring at the family photograph of a man he just ordered a team of hit-men to kill, quietly smoking a cigarette and absolutely hating himself. Philby really does not like doing what he does, but he understands the necessity of it.
He feels emotions very deeply and intensely. Though he never breaks from them like Guy would. No he becomes colder on the outside, less expressive. At heart he is a very free spirit, he enjoys riding a motorcycle, sleeping with whichever woman he wants, breezing through his courses, being a communist, challenging the hierarchy (though not as loud and obnoxiously as Guy) and living off his own means.
His guilt continues to eat at him on a daily basis and will never stop. Kim feels remorse for everything he does and it truly hurts him to do the things he does.
Kim has no physical strengths that are worth extreme notice, really.
Maybe the fact that he can outrun Nazi soldiers in deserted streets?
He's quite handsome as well, if that counts. And, to quote Guy Burgess: “Something of a sexual athlete - They ought to give you a blue for red-bloodedness.”
He can ride a motorcycle as well and has adequate survival skills from his camping days.
If there is one thing Kim Philby is, it's very smart. Kim won a scholarship to Cambridge where he studied history and economics and got a 2:1 degree (second best but a very high achievement), he also knows how to speak and understands Spanish (European), German, Hindi, and English. He is a very quick learner and loves knowledge and the power it brings. He's a rather gifted writer as well - in the second movie he becomes a reporter for The Times (writing columns in favor of the fascist for his cover) and is so good at what he does that Franco himself awards him with a medal. He possesses a sharp tongue that is edited only by his manners and social skills.
Speaking of manners, Kim is a very polite man. His father instilled in him a three virtues in how to treat people (women especially) that, if done every day, 'and for a little bit someone will like you, do these three things and your lot will be much easier.
Walk on the right side of stairs and corridors.
Hold open doors for women.
Let everyone else out of the lift before you.'
Once you have Kim's loyalty or interest it's hard to shake it unless you do something to betray his trust in you / the cause. He will do anything for you or what he believes in. He's just that kind of man who devotes himself entirely. This makes it very hard to lose his support. He's incredibly sympathetic, it's very easy to get him to feel sorry for you if you have the right circumstances on your side.
He is a heavy smoker and drinker, going through packs in days and sometimes hours if he's stressed. He drinks alcohol every day, he's good at monitoring himself though, never going over his limits accidentally or on purpose. He will usually have two drinks and leave it at that, enough to get a comfortable buzz but not enough to get roaring drunk like Guy or Donald have done. He doesn't drink before he's done with work, only after.
And of course, he can die, get hurt, and get sick. Kim is not super-human.
There really isn't much about Kim Philby that's extraordinary.
Kim Philby doesn't trust easily, for obvious reasons. He's suspicious and suspecting of those he doesn't know or cannot trust (i.e. everyone except Anthony and Guy) And thus comes his wall that he keeps everyone at a distance with grows in strength as he gets older and deeper into his hush-hush double life.
He is a profound people user. Kim knows how to manipulate and push people into doing something beneficial to him in a subtle and backwards manner so it doesn't exactly 'feel' as if the person is being used, rather encouraged. He does this several times in the films to his co-workers in order to get information for the NVKD. As stated before in his personality section, Kim is incredibly two-faced between his co-workers and his fellow Russian spies that double as his closest friends. Behind closed doors, in places where no one can see him you can see how much taking on a different persona to how he actually feels hurts him. The trouble is, he's really really good at doing what troubles him.
Commitment issues. Oh Lord, does this man have commitment issues. Thankfully only with those he was romantic with or the Russians would be in deep trouble. Kim went through girlfriends, wives, and mistresses like they were out of style. Kim with a wife and a girl on the side was not unusual. And his mistresses were always his next wives. Who he then, in turn, divorced and married the mistress he had at that point. That isn't to say he didn't love any of them. Kim loved each and every one of them.
He falls in love so easily it's not even funny. He practically turns around and finds a new woman to become infatuated with. He loves quite freely as well, never completely though, as none of his partners ever had the privilege of learning of his true spy work. Only one woman had that pleasure of his complete love, and she was his last love. More than half his age and at the end of his days.
As well as loving easily he becomes attached to causes and people quickly as well. Kim is very free with his affections and devotions. Guy Burgess, Donald Mclean, and Anthony Blunt are the true examples of this. Kim becomes attached to Burgess and Blunt very easily, finding them to be kindred spirits and like minds. Outside of their friendship, Kim becomes even more invested in his friends thanks to their spying. Like dominoes, if one fell all went with it. Thanks to his easily attached self, Kim also finds it easy to distrust easily as well. The reasons are never easy but the speed with which his loyalties (deep though they may be) change is staggering. There is an occasion in the third film where Anthony reveals that he has 'made all of them safe' and essentially is abandoning Kim in M16 to watch after the two most destructive members of their circle, Kim calls him a fool and tells him he's smashed it all up while barely avoiding tears.
Kim has an extreme guilt complex. We see the most evidence of it in movie 2 where the Spanish Civil War is featured as well as the travesty of Guernica. Kim is listless, nowhere near the man he was in Cambridge. I assume most people suppose it's simply due to his exposure to all the horrors of war, seeing so many dead and wounded from German and fascist troops and planes. He was also involved in a car accident in Spain where he and three other reporters were driving and a German shell exploded in front of them, rolling their car and killing two of the reporters and leaving one in the hospital for months. Kim was totally fine physically. There is an instance after this and his failed assassination attempt where he is having sex and is literally unresponsive in all areas but the most basic.
First Person:
This has to be the worst hangover known to man.
Especially since I can't remember a bloody damn thing about the night before. Or how I managed to end up in the woods. Alone. In nothing but a pair of breeches. Honestly when I have ever been known to wear breeches?
--- And I'm writing to a blank piece of paper. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
If I had my notebook I could scribble there. At least get a ledger of what happened last night.
Let's see here...
J.J doesn't seem to be here. Or near at least. If he managed to follow me out into the woods in the middle of a drunken stupor I might have to be impressed.
Or at least pretend to be for his sake. Honestly, were we ever that young?
Speaking of. I don't seem to see G, A or D anywhere. Wonderful. And I must have slept out here on the ground; I'm very cold and my back hurts something awful.
And I don't think I drove out here or I'd have my keys. Perhaps I abandoned them at some point? Along with my wallet and clothes?
Goddamn, what kind of drunken lone binge was this?
G will be pleased with himself at least.
Third Person:
Sir Thomas had envisioned some beautiful place; green, peaceful and equal for all. A utopia. The book may have been around since before the 1600's but the ideas and thoughts inside it were timeless. They never grow weary or disillusioned with their cause like so many of those who want it to be more than words on a page. The idea could become a reality. The aspirations of men could be made more than aspirations.
This was all possible in Luceti.
If Sir Thomas had seen this place he would have agreed, Kim knew. ...Of course, he might have disliked the wings, bar-code, enforced limits and random kidnappings as well as a war. But if one looked past the awful things and saw only the potential, they could be quite moved.
The sheer fact that such a place existed in such conflict and control made Kim wonder what this Third Party's true purpose was. And the Malnosso. Why did they bring them here? Just to have fodder to experiment on? It seemed a bloody waste to do when there was an original population already here, according to those long time abducted. Beyond this conflict and the ever-looming threat of kidnapping, experimentation and war, Luceti thrived - presumably without the assistance of the Third Party - and was a happy place for the most part.
Things were not good here, but people were happy. What kind of threat could they pose that they would need to be fought with? The Third Party was fighting the Malnosso. They were just bodies to throw at the enemy. But surely the Third Party knew this.
A necessary evil, Kim realized. Was a dollar unlucky when it was spent? Was it a terrible thing when a man's hair turned gray? It was war, and there would be dead. Civilian and soldier. It struck Kim that he thought this, that he could think so casually on what was essentially slaughter.
Suddenly disgusted with himself, he strode to the shelf of books and ripped Utopia from the confines. Others toppled without it standing to hold them in place. He wanted to laugh a bit, wished he could cry.
Frustrated, he threw the book into a chair and stalked out of the room. He intended to throw it into the fire.
There could be no Utopia here while two opposing forces made to tear it apart. Thinly veiled society wouldn't protect them from this. Wouldn't protect his friends.
It was very easy for him to find reasons to fight.