♥ - Genuinely cares for; either a loved one or a best friend
☭ - Sees as either a friend or near-best friend
☆ - Borderline friendship-neutral (mutual or one-sided)
★ - Neutral/cares for to some extent
❄ - General Winter dislike
☠ - Would not hesitate to either a) send to the Kolkhoz, b) Siberia, c) All of the above
★ Rolo Lamperouge
heartstuttering+He's still odd, but I think he believes that I am Russia now. Appears to be missing a Goose.
★ Canada
☆ Latvia
micropython+You know I'm the reason you're here. Just don't bring Belarus!
★ Naruto Uzumaki
two_in_one+I thought ninjas were silent and deadly, not loud? Either way, he seems to want to be my friend... Maybe I will have to trust him to not leave.
★ Sylar
takespower"+He broke a vase and can't draw. I'm not sure what to think of him yet.
★ Elizabeth Middleford
cuteteaparty+For once, I'm not being called 'crazy' for claiming to be what I am. She seems nice.