Dec 03, 2005 01:59
We can not continue to wage war
like physical giants...
and to seek peace like
intellectual pygmies...
I saw this on a poster somewheres
It fits!
Jun 14, 2005 01:34
let's see
first OJ
second robert blake
third michael jackson
who eles can we aquit here?
wait there is one other...
phil spector he comes up in
september i bet he wins too
what a good day for pedophilia
in california!!!!
Dec 02, 2004 19:51
approximatly 12 hours from now i will be on
the operating table. i'll be out of commision
for a few days.
Oct 15, 2003 23:19
I'm like a superhero..
with no powers or motivation
Jun 12, 2003 23:54
i hate when friends fuck with your head.
if you want to talk about something fine.
lets talk. but dont play games.
that's all
Jun 03, 2003 02:13
i'm trying to learn this..the picture thing is next
Jun 01, 2003 02:29
nice night.. met someone tonight who seems really cool
we'll see what happens..
May 24, 2003 15:01
it's Bob Dylan's birthday
Happy Birthday!
May 22, 2003 00:07
how's this?...
june: nick cave
july: bob dylan
this could possibly be a really good summer
now if i could just get to see the white stripes
May 21, 2003 23:39
well, i think i'm getting the hang of this. i'm in search of an appropriate icon. that may take some time considering the state of my head but i'll try. :)