Backtagging: Of course!
Threadhopping: Ask first? You'll usually get a yes though.
Fourthwalling: Sure, why not?
Offensive subjects (elaborate): My only squick:
This video. I still can't get more than about 10 seconds in, if that far. Aside from that, there is nothing you can say that will ever freak me out.
Hugging this character: You... can try? He's not exactly all there.
Kissing this character: Sure?
Flirting with this character/Relationships: Sure? If you're okay with ignored advances?
Fighting with this character: If you swing, there is a decent chance he won't be there by the time you would make contact, but I have no qualms. Just beware that he will start taunting and mocking.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Ask before-hand, but I see no reason why he shouldn't occasionally get hurt. Still, like I said, it will be hard if it's just through physical means. If we've established that whatever your character can do can hit Cheshire, small scratches, light hits, things that won't impede his ability to function are okay.
Killing this character: No. Death is permanent.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Ask first? Even though he's probably the most sensible and helpful in Wonderland, he is still pretty crazy.
Other Stuff: He's a cat. Don't expect him to come when you call him. He doesn't like being followed around, and just because he'll let you pet him or what-have-you one day does not mean that you will get away with it another day, or ten minutes from then for that matter. I will also be using references from Through the Looking Glass and other Carol works, including the definitions for Jabberwocky words given by Carrol, or Humpty Dumpty if Carrol hasn't given a definition. Some elements of the two Disney movies are also used to flush out his character, but not very much.
Warnings: Wonderland Logic will be used. Head spinning may occur.