Hello people of the world. its been a while sence i have updated, but i have been busy with school and friends. speeking of friends. i have one word for you all today DRAMA. It seems that being a freshman and high school has its good points and bad ones so i decided because this is the bigest thing happening right now at this very moment i would define what i think it is. Well there are two things drama can be, it can be drama when you are in a thearter on stage. or drama when girls get caty and spread nasty rumors about each other that are very untrue most of the time. I dont know why girls do it boys just seem to setal it by punching each other in the face or just brush it off but no matter what it is if someone says your fat, have and eating disorder, are bitchy, dont know how to shutup, have ugly hair.. anything the list goes on it sets them off. well my problume is girls who just make fun of people for no reason what so ever its mean and cruel. of corse there are some people you just dont like but if you go around acusing them of things they didnt do you should defanitly get your facts strait.
i cant wait until the summer i am anticipating this to be a great one pretty much hangin with jenn and kelly all summer! i cant wait to go to the island with jenn it sounds like so much fun! and this may sound weird but i really cant wait to go back to band camp either.. because besides the marching that two weeks were some of the best times i had as a freshman. haha. im such a band geek. its worth it though i mean you get to meet wicked cool people and you also get to meet people from new hampsire like me and jenn did ... holey crap!
well im ganna go talk to my friends
send your love in peace
<3 stephanie