Squarewarts - Special Abilities Permission and Info

Jul 26, 2010 22:39

Special Abilities Permission

Character name: Gray Fullbuster

Canon Ability/Power: Ice Make magic

Why do you want to bring this into the game? /How is it important to your character? This magic was taught to him by his teacher, Ur, who saved his life and taught him how to live it more fully. It also represents his character, and his personality is deeply connected to this element. He’s cold and strong like ice, but he can also be soft and gentle like the snow (and beautiful, to some characters). The ice element also reflects itself on Gray’s rivalry with Natsu, who uses Fire Dragonslayer magic.
Also, it was because of his training in the icy mountains that he got his bad habit of stripping randomly. Gray has a high resistance to the cold weather and enjoys cold/ice based food, but he can’t stand the heat or hot/spicy food.

What does it do? / How does it work? Gray’s ice magic is called Ice Make, not simply because he can make ice with his bare hands, but because he gives them shape. He can make anything, and he really enjoys ice sculpting in his free time, but in battles he’ll make large weapons, as well as other attacks that would work well according to the enemy he’s battling. Ice shield, geyser, spears, a bow and arrows, or even a cannon… His weapons are up to his imagination. All he has to do is slam his fist into his open hand and let his icy magic take shape. However, the bigger the shape, and how often he uses it will wear him down, as his stamina and magical power aren’t infinite. Still, he is considered to be one of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail, along with Natsu, Erza and Lucy.

How will this be translated to Hogwarts? Gray will be able to create weapons such as swords and bows, but his favorite will be the ice shield, which will be able to protect him from most things, even Natsu’s flames. He won’t need a wand for this, but making the ice shapes won’t be as fast as a wand enchantment, and it’s not limitless. Ice Make will wear him down to the point that he won’t be able to move.

How will you be limiting this power? Gray won’t have such amazing abilities like he did in the Fairy Tail universe, by far. Because this magic will be wandless, it’ll quickly wear him down, and he’ll try to keep the shapes small so he’ll be able to cast more, instead of a very large ice weapon that he could probably only make once before he would stop feeling his legs.

Do other characters know about this power? Yes. Not only does he have no problem in showing off his characteristic magic, but he’ll often swing a punch with an ice fist at Natsu.

Anything else? Ice rules, Fire sucks. Thought you should know.

Additional Information


Defence Against the Dark Arts
Elemental Magic
Martial Arts
Muggle Studies
Weapons Mastery
Visual Arts


Holly  (Common)  White wood - most famous Light wood. Repels dark spirits and demons. Weak in hexes, very strong in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures. Strong connection to the Earth, associated with generosity and goodwill. Users are believed to be people of great physical strength. A very respectable wandwood. Associated with death, rebirth, and the Winter Solstice. Meanings of foresight and knowledge - often found with magic users adept at Divination. Considered symbolic of masculine energy.

Acromantula Webbing Common Massive black spider with a poisonous bite. Rarer in the past, increased in popularity due to contracting with acromantula families. Powerful wand; can be temperamental and volatile if not handled with respect. Strong for Defense Against the Dart Arts and offensive magic.

Length and Flexibility: 11 4/7" ; Flexible

The Emperor (4): Fathering, stability, authority, power, control, discipline, command, common sense, status quo, order, structure, egocentrism, tradition, rigidity, leadership, experience, inflexibility, conservative ways, organization.

The Chariot (7): Conquest, honor, victory, energy, egocentrism, self-confidence, conviction, anxiety, willpower, self-assertion, hard control, discipline, inflexibility, success, wealth, recognition, impulsivity, command, bravery, pride.

Justice (11): Impartiality, distance, coldness, justice, objective mind, criticism, being clever, insensitivity, decision, intellect, analysis, realism, severity, responsibility, rationality, clear vision, logic and reason.

wand, classes, special ability permission, character information

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