wot this subject i doant gett it

Oct 27, 2002 10:59

so i had detenshun wif mamad pinser well i ges it cud hav bin wors you no but ennyway i wus puting buks on shelfs thet gott nokked off by uther yeers and thayn i had to stey longger becose i didnt qwite get them in alfibettical order and how can she espekt me to do fings in alfibetical order wen i can bearly spel my oan nayme its ridikkulus.

im prity disgested wif the wae sum teechers and hows they akting its umprofeshunal and im goeing to get drayco to help me rite hoam sins his riting his neeter and muvver can reed gud.

thers anuvver borl! and profesor mcgonagull sed i shudnt mis anuvver one im so antesoshul! wot dus that meen> ges i shud mayk an owtfit i wil dres as a toad or sumthing girls doant sem to lyke toads! and is sposed to be scairee.

i fink me speling goten wers if fat wer possubul must try ewsing dicshunary agen wunder were it is. mayb collin wud no wer is collin now? maybe hes in gryffinder room thats scary ill ask sumwon else.

drayco muterd sumthing abowt a parte and how wer invyted but he finks i wudnt lyke it he sed it fast and ran uff (wel worked of malfoys never rush is wot my farver ses) wel i dont now if thers free food and no gryffindorks it may be okay

mayb he dust wont me ther! but wy? im almost pasing charms now wich is a serprise i doant tend to get fings until daes befor exams o wel its good, rite? i hope so.

i haf to go sumwon is poaking my left eye carnt see hoo it is.

Gregory Goyle.
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