I'm officially enrolled in Grand Canyon University. Although I'm on academic probation, I'm sure I'll get past that. I'm also only a 2nd semester sophomore. I've got a long way to go to finish my bachelors in accounting. But I'm excited to get started
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NBC has the WORST NHL coverage of any network I've ever seen. It's even worse than when FOX used to cover it. But at least the Canes won today. And Jodi is getting into hockey, which rocks hard.
Got back from Salt Lake City Sudnay morning with Jodi. We drove across Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina. It was insane
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I found out today that I'm medically disqualified from becoming a police officer. I guess this is one instance where being the bionic woman doesn't work for me.
Wow......I heard a guy on the local tv news this morning say that "America will only protect it's citizens, so long as it involves military might. How else can you explain them being the only industrialized nation without a national health care system. For the US, it's nukes before newborns."
I saw a Hummer H3 pull up beside a US Postal Service delivery truck at a stoplight today. And the postal truck disappeared! Who the hell needs a vehicle that big
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I'm a HUGE Cincinnati Bengals fan, and a rabid NFL fan. And I happen to agree with Mike Brown on his diagnosis of the new NFL CBA that was signed early this year
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