⋈ Relationships [Update: 8/19/11] ⋈

Dec 20, 2010 18:55

Lavi (Rene)

"He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;." - W.H. Auden

There's so many things he could possibly say about Lavi, especially since eye patch is his twin star. But, Tyki knows how it feels to be involved in something you don't want to be involved in, and it's because of that that he won't ever actively pursue after him. It's bad enough that he gets the pings whenever the guy is near and that the curse will effect him more. But, Tyki supposed that he'll bide his time with the eye patch until Lavi himself finally decides to agree to the whole "star twin" concept. However, if he doesn't, then Tyki will leave him alone.

Kanda Yuu

"They too must have slept all night with their eyes open." - James Wright

...Tyki still hates Kanda, but he's come to learn to be civil around him.Though, the only reason whyTyki hates Kanda is because of his relationship with Rene. In his own way, Tyki is watching out for Kanda just in case the idiot gets himself killed. It's not because he cares - he really doesn't - he just doesn't want Rene to be upset. Besides, after their last meeting, Kanda's news about Daisya got him thinking.

Tyki Marian (Butterfly)

"When I die choose a star
and name it after me
that you may know
I have not abandoned
or forgotten you." - David Ignatow

Surprisingly enough, Butterfly has become one of the few people Tyki has come to treasure during his stay in this place. He's happy for her, despite his conflicted feelings about her marrying Cross and the pregnancy, and he'll continue to hang out with her. Besides, she's one of the few people that could actually keep Joyd quiet whenever the Memory wants to go out and kill. Not that he'd ever tell her this, of course. She's still family, despite being a Traitor, and should any other member of the family attempt to attack her, he will intervene. Does not give a damn about who the attacker is. If someone is threatening Butterfly (and her child) Tyki will step in to protect them, no matter the consequence.

Miranda Lotto

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. " - Lord Alfred Tennyson

She's a rather lovely lady to talk to~ And amusing as well. Tyki doesn't mind Miranda, actually enjoying her company. If anything, she's one of the few sisters that Tyki would actually step in and protect if it's needed. Though, like Butterfly, Tyki knows better than to try and be a "knight in shining armor" when it comes two Noah who both controls the Memory of Pleasure. Though, he can sense that there's something off about her, as well.

Neah Walker

"Everyone knows
everything sings and dies." - Galway Kinnell

Oh, brother, brother. Tyki's so torn up about what to think of you. On one side, he's a bit at ease around Neah, especially since he's family and Tyki actually got along well enough with the Neah from his home. But then, he's wary as well. He's unsure of whether or not this Neah is a traitor as well. Though, he'll admit it won't stop him from dragging his brother to go drinking sometimes.

Tyki Mikk

"We, too, can divide ourselves, it's true." - Wislawa Szyumborska

Twin~ :'D This is perhaps the only Tyki ever that Star would admit being twins with. It's rather fun bantering with the cat, and there's just something about the older Noah that brings out the "child" side of Tyki. It also helps that Tyki is also relaxed around his twin that he could only be comfortable around with all of the other precious people Tyki has grown attached to in the Dressing Room. Though, while he has fun with the cat around, it'll still take a while until Tyki would fully trust him.


"Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children,
Hidden excitedly, containing laughter." - T.S. Eliot

Tyki's gotten incredibly fond of Jasdero despite the short time that they've spent together. He's already in that stage where he'd do whatever he can to make sure that she's safe and that the baby is safe as well. Jasdero's one of the few that Tyki would openly admit to care about. And he will make sure that Devit will be there to help her out too B|

Kanda Yuu

"Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle." - W.S. Merwin

Tyki found himself falling for Kanda and then in love with him. He's overprotective of Kanda, wanting to just hide him from the world, but at the same time, Tyki can't bring himself to do that either. He doesn't own Kanda so he can't necessarily tell him what to do, after all. Though, it does help a lot that Kanda's presence can help make the nightmares go away. But, still. Tyki won't ever admit his feelings for Kanda. Ever. He doesn't want to lose his friendship with him, despite the fact that Tyki is more than aware that Kanda has feelings for him as well.

From the way Tyki sees it, Kanda deserves someone better than him. He just doesn't want to hurt the kitchen knife, but at the same time, Tyki's gotten to the point where he doesn't like sharing him with most people that he doesn't know (aside from 'Tias and even cat). Though, Tyki will beat a certain Crow up if he hogs Kanda all to himself.

Mattias (Vivi)

"I did not know what was happening in my heart." - Robert Penn Warrn

'Tias is like a sister to Tyki and she's become to be very important to him. He doesn't regret sleeping with her and having the twins. And he will be there for them whenever she needs him. Besides, Tyki doesn't exactly trust Cross yet to take care of her :| or the twins when they're born.

Admittedly, he did have some feelings for her, but it passed. Though, 'Tias is still one of the few people that can help make Tyki's nightmares go away. Her presence is comforting and he can feel at ease just by being around her. Other than that, he can feel as though he can tell her more about himself (something he's afraid to do around Kanda and Rene for whatever reason). But Tyki's also fiercely overprotective of her.


"In the prison of his days
Teach the free man how to praise. " - W.H. Auden

Although they've only interacted a couple of times, Tyki doesn't think too badly of Lavi. In fact, he finds him interesting. Tyki actually won't mind getting to know him better. However, he's a bit confused as to why Lavi's determined to get him and Kanda together. Other than that, Lavi's not such a bad guy~

Cross Marian

"we should be careful

Of each other, we should be kind
While there is still time" - Philip Larkin

Tyki has mixed feelings about Cross, but only because he isn't exactly fond of the Cross back home. Though, he'd be on his best behavior when he's around the General, if only because he's Butterfly's husband and mostly because Tyki knows better than to piss Cross off in any way.

Lenalee Lee

"I believe the world is beautiful
and that poetry, like bread, is for everyone." - Roque Dalton

Truth be told? Tyki doesn't care much for this Lenalee, but that won't stop him from being polite around her. He understands that she's just wary around him, and honestly, that makes him want to push her buttons until she snaps. Though, he can tell that she's important to Kanda (Spy) so he won't do anything to her. Not unless she starts it first.

Cross Marian

"With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
And purple-stained mouth;
That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,
And with thee fade away into the forest dim:" - John Keats

Tyki has mixed feelings about Cross, though it can be said that they have become friends. Despite their friendship, he's still at odds with the older man and doesn't exactly trust him. Cross makes a good drinking partner - having spent more than a few drunken nights with him - and Tyki ended up saying information he didn't want anyone else to know. Either way, Tyki does trust Cross to take care of Rene.

Nea Walker

"Rest at pale evening . . .
A tall, slim tree . . .
Night coming tenderly
Black like me." - Langston Hughes

Tyki's....not fond of Nea. Not at all. He's all too aware of who he is, and really? He would rather prefer to keep a distance from him. However, knowing the Fourteenth, Tyki decided to keep an eye on him as well. He doesn't like him. He doesn't trust him. And quite frankly, that won't be so simple to change.

Alma Karma

"We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole." - Mark Strand

Surprisingly enough, Tyki finds himself attached to Alma. He admits (to himself) that while he pitied Alma for what he went through, Tyki never really tried to help him either. Until now. Alma is still like a child, and Tyki decided to help him out. It's the least he can do. Alma is like a little brother to the Noah, which means that if someone messes with him, there will be hell to pay.

Allen Walker

"I felt my life with both my hands
To see if it was there-
I held my spirit to the Glass,
To prove it possibler-" - Emily Dickinson

He's rather amused by this particular Allen. It's not every day that he gets to mess around with a cheating lad~

Credit for chart is here

⋈ star (teasingstar), → dgmdressroom, !relationships

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