Tonight was massively busy at work today. Well, for 1855 and ME, it was. There were two other people who were supposed to be at lines with me... guess how many there were for the majority of the night? None. That's right. For most of the night, I was alone to do 1855's TRILLION orders of pasta, as well as all of Mack's. It was a good time! Actually, it wasn't that bad... it kept me (super) busy so I didn't keep looking at my clock.... that's a good thing. It really wasn't a bad day at work for me, overall. Just uber hectic.
Other than that, not really much in my life nowadays. I have a crapload of homework I need to get going on, but you guys know me. I'm... me! haha. It's just FINALS [rolls eyes]. Of course I'm watching HOUSE instead... xP Well, I did do SOME work today. I read about half of what my art history final will be on. Now I just have to read the other half and then STUDY it. haha
Hmm. Yup, things are dull here.
Saw Fight Club for the first time... I enjoyed it thoroughly...
Alright, I'm giving up on writing now....