As if I could stop at ten. You're lucky I stopped at 22 for crying out loud.
Number 10: Veronica Mars... from Veronica Mars.
I only just watched the series over this last summer and I immediately fell in love. Kristen Bell somehow makes a teenage detective investigating crimes - both mundane and completely over the top and horrificly violent - seem realistic. I love her sense of humor... her snark... her quick wit... her devotion to her dad and her ridiculously bad taste in boys. I was a big fan of Weevil, personally... and I only wish she'd gone his way. But alas...
Number 9: Anya... from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I was *devastated* when she died in the last episode. DEVASTATED. I would have preferred they killed Xander or Buffy - and I *love* both of them! No one on that show made me laugh harder than Anya - at once innocent and cunning... sympathetic and bitchy... loonie toons and the voice of reason. If you need someone to tell it like it is, Anya will be the one to do it. Just don't ask her to manage the bunnies.
Number 8: James "Sawyer" Ford... from Lost.
I love how Sawyer can never really be nailed down. He's done things... BAD things... he has manipulated, murdered, lied, stolen, cheated and called Hurley all kinds of names... And his redemption isn't happening over night - which makes it all the more compelling. He repeatedly takes one step back (killing Locke's papa) while taking two steps forward (jumping off of the helicopter to save his friends and the woman he loves). Plus he's hot. And one of a handful of people who can pull off "hot" while being greasy and dirty 99% of the time.
Number 7: Dr. Johnny Fever... from WKRP in Cincinnati.
I'm totally kicking it old school but this show will forever remain near and dear to my heart and I easily could have filled this list with half the cast but I stuck with Johnny Fever (aka Johnny Caravella, Johnny Midnight, Johnny Cool, Johnny Duke, Johnny Style and Johnny Sunshine). WKRP has provided me with a million reasons to love Johnny... but, in the interest of time and space, I'll stick with the pilot episode and his jive talking introduction to the station's new rock format:
"Alright Cincinnati... it is time for this town to get down! Now... you got Johnny... Doctor Johnny Fever and I am burning up in here! Whoo! We are in critical condition, babies but you can tell me where it hurts because I got the healing prescription here from the big KRP musical medicine cabinet. Now I am talking about your 50,000 watt intensive care unit, babies! So just sit right down, relax, open your ears real wide and say "Give it to me straight, Doctor... I can take it!" **cue Ted Nugent** I almost forgot, fellow babies.... BOOOOOOGERRRR!!"
Number 6: Liz Lemon... from 30 Rock.
This show is written by, produced by and acted by mad, MAD geniuses... no one more so than Tina Fey who really is a hero for women everywhere. She's a real woman... even when she says and does crazy things that no sane person would ever say or do... such as shoving a six inch sandwich into her face in under thirty seconds rather than throw it away so she can get through airport security to see Floyd. She picked a sandwich over a man. Gotta love her. Plus she says things like "I want to go to there" and "Blerg!".
Number 5: Jim Halpert... from The Office
I don't know if I'd watch the The Office were it not for Jim. It's funny, sure... but it's uncomforatble. This may be cliche but there's a reason people describe Jim as the heart of the show. Jim (and Pam) are you and me... We are watching the crazy shenanigans of Michael Scott and Dwight Shrute through his eyes and that somehow makes it all more believable and easier to watch - even at it's most cringe-worthiest. His knowing looks to the camera... the evil pranks he plays on Dwight... This show would be HALF a show without Jim. All time best Jim moment ever??? Convincing Dwight that he was turning into a vampire. Genius.
Number 4: Desmond Hume... from Lost.
Kudos to the team of Lost writers for waiting until season 2 to (successfully) introduce the character who ends up being the key to the show's entire mythology. And I'm not talking about Ben. I have been fascinated with Desmond's story since the very beginning. His love affair with Penny and his desperate quest to get back to her and win her love is just the tip of the iceberg. There's that whole time travelling and seeing the future bit. Every character on Lost has a rich back story and a reason for being on the island, wanting to get off the island and/or wanting to get back TO the island... but Desmond's love story is by far, for me, the most compelling. Plus, I love how he says "brotha".
Number 3: Fox Mulder... from The X-Files.
I mean really... his is an iconic quest - the quest for the truth, for peace and for his sister. His mad devotion to Scully was never more obvious as in Duane Barry, Ascension and One Breathe - the story arc that, in my opinion, went on to define the show as the best television series of all time. Ever. And that doesn't work without the right characters... the right actors. No one does laconic, sardonic and desperate better than David Duchovny or Fox Mulder. No one.
Number 2: Dean Winchester... from Supernatural.
It's more than the impossibly good looks. It's more than the macho kick-assery. It's more than the snarky wit. Dean Winchester's compulsion to correct all wrongdoings - at all costs - is what defines him. His tragic flaw: a dire need to resurrect some semblance of a family that, to be honest barely existed in the first place and certainly won't exist ever again. His less tragic - but still crippling - flaw: pie. For real... he's got it all: a rockin' car, rad taste in tunes, a hot brother that he is hopelessly devoted to and the ability to fill in a pair of jeans like nobody's business. My Thursdays would be CRAP without Dean Winchester.
Number 1: Dana Scully... The X-Files.
On his own, Fox Mulder is a crazy, nutbar, lunatic who would have gotten himself killed midway through season one were it not for Scully. The sci-fi drama of The X-Files and the "out there" leanings of Mulder would be ridiculous to the point of absurd bordering on stupid with a dash of "oh my god are you for real" if it weren't balanced by a believable skeptic. She fills in the blanks and keeps things honest. She can be incredulous when she wants to be... tough as nail when she needs to be... soft and vunerable when she has to be. She's a hero in the truest sense and she's my favorite character from any television show, movie or book. Ever. In the history of ever.
In no particular order... here are the "also rans":
Rick Hunter... from Hunter: Before Supernatural... before The X-Files... I had Hunter. He's tall, funny, kickass and sexy in a way that I still can't understand.
Henry Blake... from MASH: Picking one character from MASH was nearly impossible but it had to be done. I landed on Henry... a tragic, lovable goof... large and in charge.
John Doggett... from The X-Files: After seven years of alien abductions, liver-eating mutants and Mexican Goat Suckers, we needed a new voice of reason.
Saul Tigh... from Battlestar Galactica: He's a drunk... he's barely functional... he murdered his wife... he's a Cylon. I love me some cranky Saul.
Walter Skinner... from The X-Files: I loved how the writers walked a fine line before defining him as good or evil... even into season six, you still weren't really sure.
Barney Stinson... from How I Met Your Mother: What up! Suit up! Legendary! Barney's an asshole that you can't help but love. That's no easy feat.
Meg Masters... from Supernatural: Kripke! You ASS! Why did you kill her off? Meg's psychotic delivery of every line made it impossible to look away when she was on the screen.
Tony Soprano... from The Sopranos: Life is never black and white... even when you're trying to figure out if a mob boss is a good guy or a bad guy. Well... obviously, Tony's a bad guy but you can't help but love him so it's all a lovely shade of grey.
Donnie Pfaster... from The X-Files: No villain has ever messed with my head as much as Donnie Pfaster. "Who does your nails, girly girl?" *shudder*
Sam Winchester... from Supernatural: Torn between doing what's right the right way and doing it the evil, sexy way. I desperately hope for the latter.
Spike... from Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel: His Billy Idol vibe and vicious evil streak were no match for the love of a good Slayer... and somehow that worked for me.
Jayne Cobb... from Firefly: He's simple. Very simple. But you know where he stands and for all his bluster, he's got his friends' backs. And he has a gun named Vera. And a cunning hat.