High School is honestly a fucking game.
I recognize it, see the trends and tricks of it, but recently I am not willing to play it.
It's too tiring and too fake, full of people I don't care enough about.
Since Freshmen Year I've been waiting for Senior Year, I think we all have.
However, now that it's here, I can't wait until it's over. Or please be April/May, at least.
I never never never thought I'd be one of the Seniors that say these things, but I've said so many things in the past I don't agree with now.
I'm outgrowing the high school phase way too soon & I haven't even experienced some key things I've wanted to.
I miss too many people right now. Some of which I know could talk me out of this gross-ness.
However, I overheard some fellow 07'ers talking about how their Senior Year is the most fabulous year so far. That's good, I'm glad someone is enjoying it.
At least I can be thankful for the amazing past 3 years.
Hopefully, this one will catch up and surpass them soon.
I have faith that it will, even though this year seems to have one disappointment after another with a few smiles and laughs along the way.
Simple Pleasures of Sophomore Year.