Well, It's not really a report - more like funny Matsuoka and Massu moments from the butai m(_ _)m
1. Massu lies on his stomach on the floor and Matsuoka comes and sits on him...
2. Matsuoka's name in the butai is Ryu. Massu says all the time that it's not Ryu because their faces is different (Matsuoka is a Pizza delivery boy that has been posassed by Ryu's spirit). Than, in one of the times he says that "this is not Ryu - Ryu is TOKIO's Joshima Shigeru! This one is just the drummer!"
3. Massu sings A LOT in the butai! at the end he sits and sing while playing a black guitar <3
4. Massu and Matsuoka had "singing dialog" during the butai XD
5. At the end, while everyone was bowing, Massu had to speak, and he started to mumble <3
6. In one of the time for their bowing (they had a lot since it's the last day), Matsuoka came from the closet with the orange pants of the pizza-delivery boy, light-purple silk shirt and gliterring dark-purple jacket... the actors couldn't hold the laugh!
7. Two times during the butai Massu was dressed in only (very) short boxer pants with hearts and black tank-top <3 <3 <3
8. In one of the bowing times, Matsuoka asked Massu "do Chankapana means anything?" Massu answered that "chan" is like in Japanese when you say --chan and I have no idea what he said about "kapana", but he deffinatly confused everyone...
9. Matsuoka had two kiss scenes with the actresses - and I mean HOT kiss scenes :-x
10. while bowing alone, it was funny to see Matsu-Massu scenes as kohai-sempai XD
mmm... that's it? I think...