The Corner Story

May 28, 2004 23:28

Gaining back his strength with the power of his computer, Josh had completely recovered from the incredible event. Astounded and dumbfounded, Josh now seeks refuge in a nearby tavern called "Kitchen". Yes, many wonderful foods and beverages are available in Kitchen, all except one. This one is what Josh desires more than all of the foods in Kitchen combined.


The addiction is gnawing on the inside of Josh's stomach. The addiction that is so greatly overwhelming, that Josh had no other choice than to journey to the hidden cave of the corner store. In this majestic mysterious place, Josh can find his need and wanting for Funyuns. Before Josh can do this, he must seek companions to accompany him on his quest for his Funyuns.

Josh spotted someone in the crowded Kitchen. He was a bit of a husky fellow, not too tall, not too short. A bit of a salty one at that; but seeing the mighty blade that was tied to his belt, Josh knew he needed such a man. Josh would think this man would of had an alias such as Salty Sam, or Drunken dopehead, but ney, his name was Andrew. Just plain ol'Andrew.

"I don't party with strangers" Andrew said with such a drowsiness you would of thought he was falling asleep.
"But sir, I would more than be happy to share my treasure with you once we get there" Josh pleaded.
"Then you must defeat me in an arm wrestling match"

Josh was a skinny sort of man, he did not have huge muscular tricepts and biceps like this Andrew did. Andrew's strength from weilding a large blade was great. Any man would of just looked for another, but Josh did not. Josh knew if this drunk was to lose, he would have to distract Andrew from concentrating on the arm wrestling. Josh closely examined this being of bulk, and found a weakness. Andrew quite enjoyed the company of ladies, and Josh knew this and so he paid a harlot to strip right by Andrew. Of course, Andrew fell for it, and Josh took the advantage and won.

He had now one person to journey with him, but he needed one more. He needed a thief, or trickster, and he spotted one right by him in fact. The thief was trying to take Josh's wallet! He grabbed the thief and asked for his name.

"I am Tim the sly" he snickered.
"I need your assistance, Tim the sly"
"What may I assist you upon?"
"A certain type of treasure is involved, and you can share a part of it"

Tim seemed quite interested when he had something to get from it.
So now Josh has a party, and sets off to find the hidden cave of the corner store.

"I know this place quite well, and we shall be followed by thieves soon enough" Tim said.
"Quickly, we must head on higher ground as to not to attract any further attention."

We climbed on top of the steep cliff and flung ourselves on top of it. Though Andrew needed more assistance in the matter.

"I cannot climb this, it is too steep for my comfort" Andrew complained.
"Quit complaining and hold on to my back" Josh said, and soon he regreted saying that.

Josh struggled to carry this husky man, and the fowl breath of Andrew was not helping either. Eventually, they make it up.
Now all Josh needed was to find a hidden cave; but where can you find a hidden cave?

"I know what you speak of, it is not far from here" Tim whispered.
"Look ahead, mongrols are waiting for us" Andrew replied, holding his blade.
"Mongrols?" Josh asked.

And sure enough, it was Mongrols. These creatures were known to be ruthless and dangerous. Having no time to speak further, the 3 men were spotted and being charged by the mongrols and their horses.

"They are advanced on their riding skills, but they cannot do much without them" Andrew said.

Andrew took out his blade, and tossed it in the air. Tim and Josh were confused but soon saw a flash that blinded them. It scared the horses to the point where they tossed the mongrols off their backs and galloped away in fear. Grabbing his sword back from the air, Andrew swiftly cut through the armor of the mongrols, slicing their bodies into two parts. Blood was like a pool, and body parts were swiming in it. Tim and Josh were amazed by such strength and agility, for Andrew was assumed to be a salty man. Well after Andrew showing his part in the party, Tim had shown his. They had located the hidden cave of the corner store, but it was heavily gaurded by traps. As they were walking, Tim stopped the two men and whispered, "Do not step any further, or it will be your last" and he threw a rock three feet ahead of them and a deep hole appeared, with spikes at the bottom.

"You must follow my every step if you want to survive here" Tim told them.

So they followed each step one by one that thief took, until they came upon a door. This door said "deposito d'angolo" which meant corner store in italian. Tim knocked three times then stopped, and knocked 2 times. A man's eyes appeared through a hole in the door.

"Who shall the bell toll for today?" the man's eyes look carefully at the 3 men.
"The bell will toll for Gimsey, the great one" Tim replied.

The man opened the door and courteously bowed at the men as they walked by.

"Who is Gimsey" asked Josh
"Gimsey is the one who was the founder of this place" Tim replied.
"He helped get the exotic foods drinks that you see before you"

And they looked at the wonders of the corner store. It had so many wonderous items, that temped Josh into reconsidering... but Josh did not.
He looked at each aisle to find where the funyuns may be located.

"I have found them!!" Josh said excitedly.

Then Josh grabbed the bag, and held it in his hands carefully. He loved the smell of funyuns, and knew it was meant to be. He walked to the cashier, and placed the item on the table.

"That would be four gold peices" the cashier said.

So he placed his last four gold peices onto the table and walked away, filled with joy.

Josh kept to his promise of sharing the treasure with Andrew and Tim, and ate happily ever after

The end
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