(no subject)

Apr 22, 2007 07:18

*realizes that I have no 'sad' icon*

Well, it's taken me two days to gather my thoughts on the abruptly shortened Penguins playoff run. I tell people that I'm not disappointed in the young team -- they really turned things around this season and exceeded all expectations and



Not at the team, no. This is a more selfish kind of 'pissed'.

I worked last night and all I heard was disco music from the PA system. No Mike Lange and Phil Bourque on my tinny little transistor. No getting to follow the game in my head as I cleaned the steam table. As much as I dislike having to work on game nights, at least the broadcast makes the work just fly by.

And now those moments are gone. For the next five months.

It's been a long time since I got emotionally wrapped up in a Pens team. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not a fair weather fan. They are my Boys of Winter win or lose, through All-Star and Olympic breaks and trading deadlines and Magic Numbers for playoff clinching (or elimination).

This team had me from the first face-off at center ice in October, all the way through to the last one inside the Ottawa blueline in April. They captured my heart and the hearts of hockey fans worldwide. The Sidney Crosby Phenomenon(tm) may have opened the door for casual fans to peek in to our little market here, but once inside, they found that Sid's show has quite the supporting cast.

Who couldn't love an 18-year-old kid penalty-killing like a five-year veteran? Or a 22-year-old goalie with rather average stats pulling off a 40-win season? A 22-year-old defenseman blossoming into the next Nicky Lidstrom? A native Pittsburgher who gets to play for the same team his dad did, the one he watched win Cups in his childhood? Hey, that kind of thing may happen in markets like Toronto and Montreal and Detroit, but not here.

We have a wonderful group of guys and I'm going to miss them like mad over the summer. And I'm going to continue to say all the right things, like "Wait till next season..." and "The Cup in 2008 or bust!" But I'm selfish.

I wanted it THIS year. I didn't want to see this magical season end.

So, to the Boys: Have a great summer. Work on face-offs and passing. Get stronger. Burn over the four losses in April. Resolve to put some other team in that position next year.

Enjoy your warm weather downtime, because you won't be getting much of it for the rest of the decade to come.

I'll be here when you get back.
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