OOC: Has the Bandwagon Left Yet?

May 02, 2010 17:10

This infopost also applies to the charming hotmugofstfu , with whom it was co-written. I blame her for any nonsense.

The Inhumans

Welcome to one of the crackier corners of the Marvel universe! Yes, really. FEAR. Back when humans were kicking it in caves, these aliens called the Kree rolled up on the planet and were like, "Oh, hey, test subjects! Sweet!" So they tinkered with a group of humans' DNA, rendering them, dare I say, Inhuman, and came up with a system where their test subjects, on being exposed to the mists produced by a set of extremely special rocks called the Terrigen Crystals, gained superpowers.

Then the Kree got bored with the project and fucked off home, as you do, leaving the Inhumans to look around and realize they were surrounded by a bunch of primitive lowlifes (that would be us) and quickly remove themselves to an isolated city-state of their own, called Attilan, where they remained sequestered until the present day. And that's 25,000 years of Inhuman history in a nutshell. Then things got complicated and they moved to the moon, but that happens later.

The Characters

Meet Blackagar Boltagon and Medusalith Amaquelin, better known as Black Bolt and Medusa, king and queen of the Inhumans. Most of the time. Look, they've got issues keeping that throne, okay? They will be king and queen one day, at least. (For now, they're still young and pretty. Oh so pretty.) Yes, this means they'll get married someday.

...did we mention they're first cousins? Royalty does things differently, what can we say?

They come from a very strict genocratic monarchical society, where the king is in charge but the Genetics Council controls a lot of very serious aspects of life. Who can get married, who can have kids, who can undergo Terrigenesis and either gain awesome powers or be blessed with suck...unless, of course, the head of your family is king and head of the Genetics Council, in which case he might decide your infants are awesome to experiment on. Which brings us back to our heroes.

Black Bolt is either cursed with awesome or blessed with suck depending on how you look at it. He was exposed to the magical power giving mists before he was even born. This means he's possibly the most powerful Inhuman alive. Oh, and that any vocalization can destroy everything around him. So he doesn't talk. At all. Ever.

Then they decided waiting until the kids were born might be a good idea, although they didn't stop the experimenting on infants. Medusa is not exactly megapowerful, but she does have very fine control. Her power is basically having the best hair in the universe. Her hair is the first thing anyone notices about her: it's bright red, six feet long, each strand is stronger than a filament of diamond, and she can move it with her mind. It has the power of Plot Device, basically. But enough about her for now. What do you do when your baby can break your entire city with one good yell? You put him in isolation until he's 19! Isn't that sweet? Black Bolt was placed in a sound proofed room in order to be taught control. Control to the point where he won't even make a noise in his sleep. No sneezes, no coughing... nothing.

He didn't get a lot of visitors. Except for his cousin. You know. The redhead. She got extraordinarily good at reading his body language, to the point she can act as his interpreter. Which brings us up to now!

The Now

So the Council let Black Bolt out of his room, but they're not completely sold on this 'he has total control' business yet. So they thought they'd put some other island in mortal danger from a sneeze. Don't y'all feel special? Also, they kind of want to check out the outside world and see if contact might, maybe, be possible. Medusa's tagging along because Black Bolt just stopped being locked in a room. Like hell she's letting him get away now.

They are attempting to pretend to be human, which means that Medusa will be at least attempting to not use her hair. This is totally going to end well.

The Particulars

Their names are so weird because, that's why. As a names nerd I yearn for explanations of what they mean, because since the Inhumans were isolated from human cultures for so long, Medusalith cannot be named for the mythological Medusa, nor can her cousin Gorgon be named for his mythological counterpart, and Black Bolt's brother's Latin name, Maximus, makes no sense whatsoever. Oh Marvel. Additionally, their generation has patronymic surnames: Boltagon, son of Agon, Amaquelin, daughter of Quelin, but a member of the next generation has the same surname as his father because somewhere along the way the 'they're patronyms, stupid,' memo got lost.

(Side note: in my head, Medusalith is not pronounced Medusa-lith, but more like Medu-SAH-lith. Her nickname of Medusa is pronounced the normal way, though.)

Also, they can speak English perfectly well and don't have a problem with, say, keeling over dead of the common cold or any of the other five million perfectly common human diseases they've never been exposed to. Just go with it. Marvel does.

They do, however, have problems with pollution, since they come from a place without any. Dear God what is that smell, why is the sun so bright, etc.

The Bulletpoints

Blackagar 'Black Bolt' Boltagon
-a senior
-lacking in social skills
-looks like Dan Humphrey
-doesn't talk
-this is a good thing
-played by the incomparable Lainey.

Medusalith 'Medusa' Amaquelin
-a junior
-kind of a snob
-the first thing you notice about her is all the hair, followed by the fact she's really pretty
-the hair doesn't actually look six feet long; she is about five ten and it does not drag the ground because she fluffs it a little.
-Please do not mod her hair as moving or not moving without my permission. If I say her hair is moving, your character is of course free to comment on it.

Medusa and Black Bolt
-Not human, just look it.
-Totally pretending to be human.
-Are bad at it.
Cousins. Cousins. Totally cousins. In conclusion? Cousins*.

*...cousins who make out.

I'm sure we've forgotten something. Again, I blame hotmugofstfu. Questions Comments? Conditioner? Pie?

blackagar, infopost, ooc

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