Doctor Who Spoilers Again

May 01, 2010 23:41

More questions about Blink/Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone:

In addition to the pictures Sally Sparrow took of the Angels, Mr Nightingale (forgot his name) spent a good bit of time staring into one's eyes. Why doesn't he have an Angel trying to crawl out?

In Blink, the Angels were weeping Angels because if any living thing saw them they turned to stone - even if it was another Angel. That's how the Doctor tricked them at the end: the Tardis goes bye-bye and they were looking at each other, and they turned to solid stone.

In Time of Angels and especially in Flesh and Stone, they rarely if ever had their hands over their eyes. They could see each other. And then the stone moved. Dude. They're not _living_ stone, they're _stone_. It's not a defence mechanism for when they _think_ they're being seen, it's a quantum observation thing.

doctor who

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