I got distracted again

Nov 27, 2004 13:40

1. First best friend: stevie-jay...i ate playdough because of her and she left to canada when i was in 1st grade
2. First love: never loved. first crush: some indian guy in kindergarten who gave me a holographic photo of a clown for my b-day...lol wow
3. First real kiss: october
4. First screen name: sweetpanda713
5. First pet: some goldfish that i got at a swat meet for persian new year and died in a week
6. First car : haha me having a car...ha

1. Last cigarette: never
2. Last kiss: romantically? october
3. Last good cry: yay i dont remember!
4. Last beverage drank: some coke that i stole from my dad...fuck not good
5. Last food consumed: haha plain pasta with dill, rosemary, and sumac because we had no sauce...and a mint
6. Last crush: lol you mean one that is over? I dont keep track anymore...
7. Last phone call: nat's cell answering machine last night

1. Who is your best friend: i dont have just one
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no...

1. Where are your favorite places to shop: lol um urban outfitters if it wasnt over priced...but i am fine with old navy and wet seal
2. Favorite item of clothing: hmm...umm...i guess my fav pair of jeans

1. Do you do drugs: no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: all sorts
3. What are you most scared of: rape, murder, kidnapping, death, super natural
4. What would you change about yourself: alot but i would start out with the phsycial part first

1. Colors: blue and yellow i guess
2. Foods: lemons
3. Subject in school: french
4. Animals: panda
5. Sports: basketball?
6. Movie: i really dont have a fav
1. Given anyone a bath: no
2. Smoked: no
3. Made yourself throw-up: no
4. Skinny dipped: lol does it count if you were 2?
5. Been in love: no

1. Clothes: sweat pants and a sweater
2. Music: Suzie Q-CCR
3. Make-up: none
4. IMs: no one

2. Hugged: mom
3. IMed: Morris
4. Last person who slept at your house: my uncle lol
5. Last persons house you slept at: I seriously dont remember this one

1. In the morning I am: trying to remember where i left off in my life
2. Love is: what i want most
3. I dream about: everything you could think of

1. 7 years ago: i had just learned what sex was
2. 4 years ago: i was a bigger geek than i am today
3. 3 years ago: Everything seemed like it was going wrong
4. 1 hour ago:My parents were showing me how they danced in the 60's and 70's to CCR lmao
5. tomorrow: im probably am just going to stay home...again
6. college: lol of course i am going but where? I do not know...

Name: Leyla Lavoie-Naimi
Nicknames: lili, slut, smurfette, hippie
Age: 16
Birthday: 07-13-1988 (lol i loved how i just had to change one number from mj's)
Sign: cancer :)
School: T-HOUSE
Virgin?: lol just look at me and you will find your answer
Natural hair color: medium brown
Current hair color: natural mixed with leftovers of crappy color
Eye color: light brown
Height: 5’1" is there hope?
Shoe size: 7 1/2

Parents: mom and dad...
Siblings: none :(
Live with: lol what type of question is this?

Number: 13 (ooo same as mj's...yay lol)
Day: hmm...halloween or chirstmas in canada
Month: i dont know
Season: fall
Sport: basketball?
Class: french
Teacher: casanova or lara
Radio Station: 101.1
Store: target?
Flower: sunflowers

Who have you known longest?: nathalie, anna, teena
Loudest: nathalie or morris
Funniest: marianna, nat, anna, morris
Sweetest: juana
Most caring: morris and marianna
Most likely to be a stripper: lmao elena

What is the one thing you would change about your past?: one thing? there is nothing major just a bunch of little stupid things
What is the biggest mistake you've made: being stupid..lol i am not about to mention what
Last thing you heard: CCR
Last thing you saw: sixties posters that i showed to diana
Last thing you said: "it isnt here"...lol lame...ok i am now saying my nose is cold and i need to pee so hopefully this thing will end
Who is the last person you saw?: my mom...
Who is the last person you kissed?: parents
Who is the last person you hugged?: parents
Who is the last person you fought with?: farzad
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: nat
What is the last TV show you saw?: whose line...well an infomercial in the morning about this food chopping bullet which my dad was thinking of buying...

What are you wearing?: didnt i already answer this?
What are you doing?: shivering
Who are you talking to?: no one now
What song are you listening to: nothing...the cd is over
Where are you?: in my office
Who are you with?: no one.
Are you online?: um how would i be doing this?
How are you feeling?: lazy, stupid, and cold

What are you going to do after this?: pee and read my chem book...and eat some chocolate
Who are you going to talk to?: lol i would tell you if i could read my future
Where are you going to go?: bathroom and then office lol
How old will you be when you graduate? 17
What do you wanna be?: founder of a construction company
What is one of your dreams?: lol world peace...ok slap me...um to start an organization that is in partnership with my company that helps refugees and the homeless around the world..nice dream isnt it? anyone want to give me the money to do it?
Where will you be in 25 years?: um...do you think i have a crystal ball?

Stolen?: those little buttons attached to those clothes incase you loose them...lmao i was such a stupid kid
Done anything illegal?: barely
Wanted to die?: yeah...i am stupid
Hit someone?: lol yes

Do you write in cursive or print?: print
Are you a lefty or a righty?: right
What piercings do you have?:one in each ear
Do you drive?: lol would you consider someone who is scared to drive in an empty parking lot a driver?
Physical appearance: pshh...pfft....haha
How many fillings do you have?: i dont know
Do you look like any celebrities?: lol robin williams, nathalie portman, and all those other great people who dont just soak up their money

Your friends
Do your friends 'know' you?: no one "knows" me cause i dont know myself completely but some are close i guess
What do they tend to be like?: nice.
Are there traits in you that are universally liked?: my "innocence" and stupidity?
How many people do you tell everything to? almost one
How many people tell you everything?: no one
Are you in a relationship right now?: no
Have you ever loved a person so much that it hurt?: well i havent found love but yes
How many people do you say 'i love you' to on a daily basis?: lol people get annoyed because i say it too often sometimes...but i dont know

What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: o so they are gay
Do you detest homosexuality?: for the most part, no
Do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children?: i think it is too complicated for the child but i dont see why they shouldnt be allowed to adopt children unless the person who gave the child up said not to. There are so many people without parents that gay parents are better than none

Other Questions
Do you consider yourself lucky?: lol lucky? in some senses i feel fortunate but not lucky
Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?: yes
Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: confused and curious (yes i know that isnt one word)
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