On the evening of July 1, he is alleged to have told his secretary Jean de Chavigny, "You will not find me alive by sunrise." The next morning he was reportedly found dead, lying on the floor next to his bed and a bench
10:32pm, July 1, 1566 Mood: despondent Music: From First To Last - Note To Self
k thats fuken it i told jean that he wouldnt find me alive by morning but he just laffed and went off home that fukker. well ill show him ill show them all they all think im mad just cos i predicted 9/11 and nobody believed me those fukkers all of them. their words wont cut them any more just like the razors that bleed my pain free. no more pain but the ultimit rervenge and emptiness its better than fuckkinn writin these profesies that nobody beleevas.
fuck that razor huts. never get the blood out the carpety
It cracks me up how at the childcare centre, they won't let the kids play off of the shaded areas because *gasp* THE GROUND IS WET. And it was sunny in Penrith today. WTF, ARE AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN AFRAID OF WATER?
When I was in elementary school, they'd send us out for recess in pouring rain all the time! And sithboy tells me he used to have to sit inside and watch movies when it rained. HAHAHAHAHA SILLY PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT FROM ME!
It's probably the insanely huge insurance premiums - can't have the kiddies slipping over or getting colds can we, or we'll have to pay through the nose to stop their parents from taking people to court. Hey, we used to play around when it rained, albeit under cover or indoors, unless PE was on in which case we would watch movies. Or play blackjack. Sometimes we did that anyway.
Oh please, honey. Us Americans INVENTED litigation. ;)
I think it's just because if they pent us up inside every time it rained, kids from my part of the world wouldn't see the (albeit cloud-filled) sky from November 'til June. ;)
Comments 14
Rock \m/
*nods head*
On the evening of July 1, he is alleged to have told his secretary Jean de Chavigny, "You will not find me alive by sunrise." The next morning he was reportedly found dead, lying on the floor next to his bed and a bench
10:32pm, July 1, 1566
Mood: despondent
Music: From First To Last - Note To Self
k thats fuken it i told jean that he wouldnt find me alive by morning but he just laffed and went off home that fukker. well ill show him ill show them all they all think im mad just cos i predicted 9/11 and nobody believed me those fukkers all of them. their words wont cut them any more just like the razors that bleed my pain free. no more pain but the ultimit rervenge and emptiness its better than fuckkinn writin these profesies that nobody beleevas.
fuck that razor huts. never get the blood out the carpety
It cracks me up how at the childcare centre, they won't let the kids play off of the shaded areas because *gasp* THE GROUND IS WET. And it was sunny in Penrith today. WTF, ARE AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN AFRAID OF WATER?
When I was in elementary school, they'd send us out for recess in pouring rain all the time! And sithboy tells me he used to have to sit inside and watch movies when it rained. HAHAHAHAHA SILLY PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT FROM ME!
I think it's just because if they pent us up inside every time it rained, kids from my part of the world wouldn't see the (albeit cloud-filled) sky from November 'til June. ;)
That's fair enough though, I mean if you're going to be outside at all, might as well be getting close to nature... *sneeze*
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