I really love noises, especially clanging, banging things. I thought that the construction beside my house really wouldn't be that bad. Fuck, was I ever wrong
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Hey lady, Alex here... I don't know how often you check this, but I wanted to ask you something. I'm trying to get a hold of Bojana and Vanessa to see if they are going to our highschool reunion this year. Its our 10 yr, and I thought they might want to mock our alma mater together. That's just a nice way of saying I'm too chicken shit to go alone. So if you see either of them, can you give 'em my number? 613-324-0676 or email reylwriting at hotmail dot com.
Nice Lady......noize_girlApril 16 2004, 13:43:48 UTC
Gah! 10 years already! Hey, come to think of it mine was supposed to be 3 years ago. Not that I would actually enjoy going to mine. ;)
You better freak out all the people for me, and make sure to write about it in your journal. Although I suck ass at writing in my own, I do read yours, and a few others occasionally.
Ok, so here's the thing I haven't heard from Boj in quite sometime, and only knew Vanessa through her. This is the only email address I have for Boj, boj_k@hotmail.com. So is that email addy for you one you check often? I'll update my book, I still have you as cyphergoth. heh I'm really quite terrible, I know.
Comments 2
Hugs to you...
You better freak out all the people for me, and make sure to write about it in your journal. Although I suck ass at writing in my own, I do read yours, and a few others occasionally.
Ok, so here's the thing I haven't heard from Boj in quite sometime, and only knew Vanessa through her. This is the only email address I have for Boj, boj_k@hotmail.com. So is that email addy for you one you check often? I'll update my book, I still have you as cyphergoth. heh I'm really quite terrible, I know.
Giant hugs back at you and the pumpkin.
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