Links of three applications you have voted on. Kayt
Age 24
Horoscope Leo
Location Massachusetts
Hobbies I love the Red Sox, small-time college football, trashy novels, the endless pursuit of the perfect french fry, movie theaters, vintage clothes, fancy-dress parties, fanfiction.
Three or four positive qualities about you I have super-splashy personal style that draws the eye, I hope in a good way. :P I was raised in a small town, so even though I'm now a city girl I have a natural friendliness, which makes it easy to talk to folks from all walks of life and has got me almost everything I've ever really wanted. I don't take no for an answer - I even got into professional school because I tracked down the admissions dean and made my case after classes had already started. I am fiercely attached to my friends and will always be there for them, even at great personal cost. I am good at remembering the human goals at the bottom of most tasks. If something catches my interest, I will work like there's no tomorrow until I've finished my work, but I have so far managed to keep from becoming dour and serious; I think my sillyness/competence combo is my greatest asset.
Three or four negative qualities about you am fantastically bad at details; when I write papers, it takes me more that twice as long to do the footnotes as the actual research and writing because it's like pulling teeth for me. In general, I fail at moderation - I either drink to crunk or not at all. I externalize like crazy; if things aren't going according to plan in my life, I'll frequently start a really strict diet or something along those lines so there's something I am controlling. I talk too much. I am terrible with self-care - I am not so good at sleeping, because I always feel like I am missing something.
Favorite book I used to take The Wealth of Nations with me everywhere, but I've grown more fun and have an undying love for the Song of the Lioness, by Tamora Pierce, a wonderfully trashy teen novel series where a girl becomes a kick-ass knight.
Favorite movie I love me some Indiana Jones, Iron Man, Dark Knight... Adventure with heart, is what I'm saying here.
A quote I live by is…
"Nothing succeeds like success." Extra bonus quote: "More is better than nothing, yes, but nothing's better than more." Madonna
-Am I-
Good or Evil Good, I sure hope! I try to be, but it's hard to match intentions with effects sometimes.
Dreamy or Realistic I dream big, but at heart I am a pragmatist trying to make good happen.
Introvert or Extrovert I'm such an extrovert, it's not even funny.
Innocent or Cynical Innocent, happily! At least once a week, I get overwhelmed by how great my life is.
My favorite character is… I love most of 'em. Batman himself is just a brilliant character, and the folks surrounding him - Lucius, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon - give necessary light and dimension. Most of the villains are genius, too; the Joker is one of the most fascinating characters in fiction, and Harvey/Two-Face just breaks my heart.
My least favorite character is.. I'm not big into Ducard... Batman is so tied to Gotham, for me, and Ducard's such an outsider.
Who would you side yourself with- Batman, or the criminals? Batman, for sure.
My favorite movie in the series is... The Dark Knight. It's so relentless; it's painfully brilliant.
Please post 3 or more clear photos of yourself. If you do not feel comfortable with this, please describe yourself.
Alack, I seem to only take photos when my hair is done all weird. Here, atypically, it's straight:
Here the curl's there, but I was only very briefly blonde:
I am so lame, but I couldn't stop myself from using this picture for this comm... Halloween for the win!