I guess I'll be a good sport with this one :)
The game of five.
-- People can only play when tagged
-- You can make up new questions, delete questions, add questions, or keep the same, whatever.
-- The people you tag must add one more then what you have (unless they don't feel like it, like me)
I was tagged by Meg Matthews
Five Diffrent Places You Want To Live:
New York City
The White House
San Francisco
Five Celebrities You'd Definitely Date: (I'm not so sure I'd date celebrities in this sense because i think this question is primarily based on how they look, and that's not my only criterion for finding girls)
Jennifer Aniston
Angelina Jolie
Natalie Portman
Anna Kournikova
Lindsay Lohan? I dunno... I'm stretching here
Five Amazing Things:
exercise highs
a good book
Five Things You Want To Accomplish:
leave a legacy
world peace
get elected to the senate
save the trees/planet
be happy with how I've lived my life
Five Things You Can't Live Without:
being able to read
biological necessities
my computer
Five Things You Miss About Your Childhood:
having a buzz cut that was amazingly short (I don't really miss it that much, but it was far easier to deal with)
going face down into a birthday cake
being able to spill stuff all over myself without people making fun of me
no homework
Five Of Your Dreams In Life
do some good in the world
live in the city
be able to live my entire life without ever owning a car
be proud of everything I do
see the world
Five of your favorite shows
The Simpsons
South Park
Malcolm in the Middle
Five Favorite Artists & Their Songs
Nirvana- Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
NoFX- The Idiots Are Taking Over
Mudhoney- Sonic Infusion
Verbena- Lovely Isn't Love (or maybe I prefer Into the Pink... I'm not sure which one I like more)
Windmill Saxophone Quartet- Burning Down the House
Five Favorite Vacation Spots
San Francisco
Rock Springs (for a day vacation)
FIve Books I Want To Read But Am Too Busy For (And The Authors, Of Course)
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Iron Tears : America's Battle for Freedom, Britain's Quagmire: 1775-1783 by Stanley Weintraub
The Survivor : Bill Clinton in the White House by John Harris
The Hidden Connections : A Science for Sustainable Living by Fritjof Capra
Island by Aldous Huxley
I tag...
1.) Rachel
2.) Shaina
3.) Michelle
4.) Matt
5.) Elizabeth