Garage sales were a little thin this weekend, but we did get a shoji screen for $3 (which I need to re-paper) and two Kathleen Woodiwiss paperbacks I don't think I've read.
Batman did not disappoint. They set the bar very high when they created Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight possibly surpassed it. It made me sad all over again, knowing that we won't see more of Ledger's Joker.
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D was a fun ride. I like Brendon Fraser, and I love Jules Verne, so there was plenty for me to enjoy. I would recommend seeing it on a fairly large screen, and sitting as far up as you can. There were times when the illusion broke down, and I have the feeling that was because we were at the wrong focal length for some of the scenes. Don't expect a heavy plot or character development.
I am *immensely* enjoying a new Korean drama I started, called Coffee Prince. It's another girl-masquerading-as-guy story (there's a blue million of those in Eastern and Western entertainment), but this one is something special. The actress in this one is really incredible. Watch, watch, watch the first episode, if nothing else. I like the fact that most of the time, the main character isn't trying to pass as a boy for a specific reason; she's just taken for a boy so often, she doesn't bother correcting people. Kate/Shannon/Adria - you'd probably have some pleasant flashbacks to Ashes in the Wind - just in the nature of the romance. This might very well be my favorite Asian drama to date.
Dr. Horrible - I concur with every other person who's given me their opinion: hilarious and too short. We went ahead and bought it off iTunes, just so we could support the idea (and have the show at our beck and call).