[Name] Vanessa
[Nickname] Ness, Nessa, V
[Screen name] Oggial17
[Birthday] May 27
[Astrological sign?] Gemini
[Chinese zodiac sign?] Rabbit
[Location] Eagan
[Sexual Preference] Hetero
[Marital Status] "married" haha and single!
[Religion] Catholic
[Eye color] Brown
[Height] 5'6"
[Shoe size] 9 1/2
[Parents still together?] nope, moms a widow
[Siblings?] MATT
[Nieces/Nephews?] nosirr
[Kids of your own?] well... ha no.
[Grandkids?] no
[Pets?] 1 dog 2 horses a brother and a haley!
[In school/graduated?] SENIOR BABY!! WOOT!
[Rent, lease, or own your home?] live with mommy :D
[Have any credit cards?] no
[What do you drive?] Dodge Dynasty
[Color] Red
[Number] 5
[Animal] Horses and puppies
[Vehicle] Trucks! big beastly trucks!
[Flower] Scarlet roses
[Scent] boy
[Shape] hexagon
[Drinks] water, diet sprite
[Pop] diet sprite
[Book] Her daughters eyes
[Band] you want me to PICK?!
[Song] Currently "Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rythm of the War Drums" (ditto)
Do you...
[Color your hair?] well i did, yes... its blondish... :)
[Twirl your hair?] nope
[Have tattoos?] not yet!
[Piercings?] 3 in my right 1 in my left.
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] Nope
[Cheat on tests/homework?] yea haha shhhh don't tell
[Like roller coasters?] most of them except excalibur! that fuckers scary!
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] New york... montana.... arizona?
[Want more piercings?] YES! im addicted to pain.
[Like cleaning?] hate, hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate LOATHE
[Write in cursive or print?] my letters all blur together so... cursive? lol
[Carry a donor card?] well pretty sure my organs are useless even to me so no lol
[Swear a lot?] oh hell yes.... haha ahem... i mean... once in a blue moon.
[Own a web cam?] no, ew
[Know how to drive?] lol well thats debatable
[Diet?] Pretty sure im on so much medication that makes me physically ill that if i were to diet i would die.
[Own a cell phone?] oh yes, and its CONSTANTLY with me :-D
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yeh, now and then
[Hablar Espanol?] it should be habla, not hablar. si hablo espanol todos los dias en mi clase de espanol. Segunda hora.
Have you ever...
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] Nope.
[DUI?] no
[Been in a wreck?] Not technically
[Been arrested?] Nope
[Been in a fist fight?] Haha yes, the ho pushed me during a game so i punched her. she tried to fight back and ended up with a bloody nose. :D
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Yes, but not often... :-)
[Stolen anything?] Yeah
[Held a gun?] yep. learned to shoot one when i was five or six.
[Drank?] oh yes
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] Lol, well i remembered my name... but everything else was kinda blurry... lol
[Considered a life of crime?] Haha yeah, i would suck at it. Im too addicted to fluerescent colors to be stealthy
[Considered being a hooker?] Ha, no
[Cheated on someone?] No...
[Been married?] yep, still am. I LOVE MY WIFE!
[Cried over a girl?] uh, no
[Cried over a boy?] Yes, bitchfuck
[Lied to someone?] Yes.
[Been in love?] Unfortunately.
[Fallen for your best friend?] i married her lol. WE ROCK!
[Made out with JUST a friend?] well... my wife doesnt count... but tony does so yes. well... yes.
[Been rejected?] not rejected in the sense where i was like hey you wanna date and they were like no. so... no?
[Been in lust?] Si senor
[Used someone?] no
[Been used?] Probably
[Been cheated on?] Yes, though he would never admit it.
[Been kissed?] very thouroughly (haha i like how haley put that.)
[Current mood] Sick, as usual
[Current music] fingers hittign the keyboard
[Current taste] Chili :D thank you mon amie!
[Current hair] below my colar bones, straight, blondeish
[Current annoyance] Assholes and gas prices
[Current smell] vanilla lotion
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Running, forgot yesterday so 2 hours today.... iunwanna...
[Current windows open] LJ, buddy list, Word Processor
[Current desktop picture] A cottage in pretty woods
[Current book] that one about jack the ripper
[Current cds in stereo] crossfade, linkin park meteorea, evanescence
[Current crush] Haha boys are stupid.
[Current favorite celeb] Angelina jolie and Brad pitt
[Current hate] Cold, backs, insulin, Boys. especially that boy
[Current job] cold stone
[Last book you read] The Sinner
[Last movie you saw] Hide and Seek/ man on fire
[Last thing you had to drink] Water!
[Last thing you ate] Chili
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Haley, 30 mins ago
Do you
[Do drugs?] Nope
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yes
[Play an instrument?] used to play clarinet and piano
[Believe there is life on other planets?] there has to be
[Remember your first love?] unfortunately. Wheres the figgin delete button?
[Still love/lust him/her?] Yes. No? i dont know. Im not too fond of them... but im not not fond of them. You know?
[Read the newspaper?] Yes thanks alot Econ
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yesm
[Believe in miracles?] not really
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Sure
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] As long as they’re not rude. or stupid. and as long as they don't have absolutely atrocious grammar.
[Consider love a mistake?] often
[Have a favorite candy?] Not really.
[Believe in astrology?] I think sometimes its accurate but nothing concrete
[Believe in magic?] not really no.
[Believe in God?] Yea kinda a little
[Do well in school?] Fucking school. No i dont.
[Go to or plan to go to college] Neither.
[Wear hats?] Sometimes
[Hate yourself?] Occaisionally
[Have an obsession?] Pain. Laughter.
[Have a secret crush?] Not secret, not existant. ha
[Do they know yet?] the one i had, yes
[Collect anything?] Roses.
[Have a best friend?] yes
[Close friends?] yeah
[Like your handwriting?] sometimes
[Care about looks?] yes
Love life
[First crush] 6th grade. it was either kevin welle or Joe hittner cant remember... HA i was such a loser.
[First kiss] David... Kenny.
[Single or attached?] Single
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] No.
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Yes, to a point, i believe there can be more than one "one" lol good job hales.
[Describe your ideal significant other] why limit the field? ;-)
Juicy stuff
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] hehe, yes.
[Have you ever been intoxicated?] OF COURSE
[Favorite place to be kissed?] neck, lips, chest
[Are you a tease?] Occaisionally :-)
[Shy to make the first move?] yes, sometimes
Are you a
[Wuss] No, only when it comes to fessing up that im mad and why
[Druggy] Nope.
[Daydreamer] big time
[Freak] not really...
[Dork] whale penis? what?
[Bitch/Asshole] Oh yes. Grade A. except at work and with friends.
[Brat] no
[Sarcastic] yes
[Goody-goody] not really
[Angel] nope
[Devil] kinda sometimes
[Shy] not really
[Talkative] Uh, yeah hello!
[Adventurous] Yes, cept when it involves ghostesand empty fields lol
[Joker] lame joker ha ha lol
[Flirty] Flirtalicious lol