Titles are like icing on the cake aren't they? Ooh... I want frosting!
An Auspicious Adversary : I wanted something catchy for my first real fic. I tried to think of what I was trying to convey in the story, what the point was and it was something about luck and something about how a bad thing can turn out pretty good in the end. I kept running titles by
joe_pike_junior and she kept shooting them down. So I had to come up with something decent.
Harbinger : I wrote this one while still writing An Auspicious Adversary, but I was getting ready to finish it. I thought that Harbinger would be appropriate since it deals with those seemingly insignificant points that foretell an event AND because it was posted before my big fic.
Only As Much As We Say: I'm not sure how this one came to me, other than to say it magically appeared. I think these words have a certain ring to them that I liked. The title came up almost instanteously and I stuck it.
Lead Me Upstairs: I was listening to (surprise surprise) the song of the same name by David Gray and staring at a blank computer screen when it came to me: I'd write Stacy and House's past in a series of vignettes and start them all on staircases. For a while, it was going great- as soon as I thought of the stairs, the ideas starting flowing. Things move a little slower now. But they're coming. Maybe.
What Might Have Been Lost: This one comes straight from the lyrics of Bon Iver (The Wolves...) It makes sense because there are no real definites in this fic other than Wilson dies and they finally figure out that their friendship was lost for almost nothing.
A Brutal Precedent: This was another one I lingered over for a long time. And another fic that took me a while to write. I wanted this title to be a little like An Auspicious Adversary in the tone of it, the meaning. So again, I found myself taking the story apart- what had happened, what was happening, what was the theme? What I came up with is that a) House loses his memory of preceding events, during which something violent happens. And b)House begins to believe that he is the root cause of the violence- because he's screwed up, because he has a history of it. So.. there ya go.