You've probably given up on me as dead. Me too. When next Tuesday arrives, I'll have spent 6 months in India, exclusive of the 2 trips I've taken to Chicago. Today I'm at wit's end. Most people I send emails to say I sound absolutely miserable, but that's usually because I write when I'm in a pissy mood, and today is no exception... then again, I'm in a pissy mood more often than not... especially these days.
So, when can I leave this shithole? Well, sometime between July and September 1st, the latter being when my visa expires... Of course, the visa can get renewed, but I will outright refuse to do that. I don't care if my absence will lose UOP bunches of money. I don't care if the plant blows up in my absence... actually, I don't care if it blows up while I'm here, as long as no one I know is standing nearby. Then I'd get to leave.
So, what's happened since New Years? Well, at least there are more UOP people here... we're up to 7 now, including
srwalshon, which is very welcome. And it is a good group of guys (+gal). But as good as their company is, I'd leave at the drop of a hat. I've turned very selfish the past 4 months. With every decision I make (mostly at work), I think "will this get me out of India?" first, and then "what is good for UOP and/or customer."
Whatever. It's coming up on Muhammed's birthday already, making it around a year since I went to the ceremony at the royal palace in Indonesia... I've yet to write about it, although it was quite an experience. It's been on my to-do list since then, each time getting pushed back 1 month, 1 week, whatever... tonight is no exception. The plan is to finish this month... Unfortunately, the guest house internet connectivity has gone from mediocre to worse. I can't chat with Ai-Lun or anyone else, and that lack isn't helping me in the slightest.
Fuck it all.