[OOC] Application

Apr 05, 2019 02:28

Character's Name: Reno
Series: Final Fantasy VII
Timeline: veeeery shortly after endgame
Canon Resource Link: Reno is a Turks.

Reno has been a Turks for upwards of six years.

No, okay. Seriously. There's really not much to know about Reno (that Squeenix feels like sharing) outside the fact that he's been a Turk for at least 6 years prior to the game and probably a few more years than that. This job carries a kind of "'til death do we part" contract, and as such, he takes it very seriously. (Though it's been shown they could turn the company on its head if they wanted, so I don't know, man. Maybe the President should hate on them a little less.)

Er. These links explain it far better than me, so: uno y dos

Personality: He can be a tough guy to gauge, that Reno.

He can be a bit of a cold fish and he's pretty much an asshole all the time. He's morally... loose. At the best of times and borderline sociopathic at the worst. He doesn't really care about most people on a personal level and you have to be pretty special for him to change his mind.

Seeing as he tends to be brash, sometimes completely lacking both subtlety and tact, Reno is someone who gets mistaken for an idiot annoyingly often. Though all things considered, he seems perfectly content to let people think this so long as he doesn't have to deal with them personally. He doesn't appreciate being taken for a fool when there are serious matters at hand, however. Despite his laid-back attitude about almost everything ever, Reno is intensely loyal, dedicated and a hard worker when the time calls for it. There's a reason he and Rude have the highest success rate after all, and it's not just because they look good.If there's anything he cares about, it's the Turks. Despite having a sense of self-preservation that apparently overrides his pride when it comes to ditching a losing battle (or maybe he wasn't taking Cloud n' co. seriously, there's never a way to be entirely sure with him,) he'll stick his neck out for them whenever the time calls for it. (Ask him about it, though and he's "just doing his job.")

Reno can be a social being and relatively easy to befriend so long as you catch him on a good day. Of course his friendliness isn't to be mistaken for genuine fondness, but he finds it easy to get along with a wide variety of people. He's also an intuitive guy, you see, probably more than he'll show. He's had to work with a wide range of people in his time and not had a choice in the matter. (Of course he seems to antagonize people more than help, which probably gets mistaken for stupidity and a lack of subtlety. Arguably he's just really good at picking up on triggers and pressing buttons, because he's a dick.) All that said, he's fairly misanthropic on the whole. And, whilst he can be friendly - as mentioned before - for the most part, he's often fairly disdainful and cold towards others. Not so much that he thinks himself better, but rather that most people are just really fucking annoying. In addition to that, he's a pretty closed off dude. He doesn't like to get close to people, and you have to be pretty fucking special to get past that barrier enough for him to give a damn about what happens to you in the long term. His affections are fleeting and, unless you've made a significant impact, once you fall out of regular contact, he'll just about stop caring altogether.

He doesn't deal with his problems. Ever. Reno's got a lot of pride and unfortunately, feelings outisde of 'happy', 'angry' and 'smartass' don't mesh too well with that. More often that not, it'll take a lot of prodding to get him to admit there's even something wrong in the first place, let alone what that something is. He's a "go with the flow," kind of guy. Reno doesn't do depressed and stuff like that, he just keeps his chin up and gets on with shit. Life's too short and all that. Not so bad for dealing with life's everyday problems, but toss in a few poignant events and a good deal of stress, and you're looking at a PTSD timebomb that's still insisting he's "just tired."

Even though he's put a significant amount of work into appearing laid back and such, his pride and his temper especially, have a real way of kicking his ass before anyone else gets the chance. Even though he's generally a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything, once someone or something finds a way to get under his skin, there isn't much he can do except force himself (or rather, be forced) to take a time out. He likes to do things on his own terms, you see, which is all well and good when he's being sensible and "on his own terms" can be bent to mean, "I see your point and agree that it is a wise choice." Unfortunately, more often than not it tends to translate into, "no, fuck you," and being left in various shades of owfuck.

What your character can offer: He's probably not quite at the top of his game, (seeing as how both Rude AND Elena are higher levels than him. Maybe he's just not a level grinder, you can beat the game at level 20 8|) but as far as normal guys go, he's pretty tough. Canon shows repeatedly that he can take one hell of a beating without going down for the count. He's also supposed to be the fastest of the Turks and is able to take out several security bots and Genesis clones on his own. Despite his bouts of laziness (he takes a nap in the middle of a job, wtf) and the way he acts, he obviously takes better care of himself than he lets on.

As mentioned in his personality, he's a fairly intuitive guy, which is certainly helpful for assessing situations and the best course of action. As a Turk - one who works chiefly in the field, at that (he really hates busywork yougais) - it's probably safe to assume he's pretty able to actively put his intuition to work in things like information gathering, knowing when he's being fucked about and not getting killed.

In the vein of not getting killed, I imagine it's also safe to assume that he's fairly accomplished in an actual fighting style or two of some kind. Obviously he's likely not quite on par with Rude or Elena in this respect, but he's not someone to be taken lightly when it comes to fisticuffs either. He also has at the very least, basic firearms training, and is probably more than adequate with the types of guns one can conceal on their person (Barret not included.) For whatever reason, he still prefers his EMR, but then this is FFVII, where the only time anyone needs a gun is to shoot things that can fly. Although these days you can just throw Cloud at things for that.

What items will they be bringing with them? His EMR, PHS and mastered cure, thunder and pyramid materia.

!ooc, *application

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