Title: The Blues
Pairing: Erza/Jellal
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Romance
Length: One-shot/Drabble
Summary: Erza Scarlet hated all shades of blue... well, not really.
Word Count: 497
Erza Scarlet hated all shades of blue.
She hated cyan because it would never go well with any of her armor suits. It didn’t even blend well with the shocking redness of her hair. Cyan and scarlet could never go well together, at least, in her vision, and so she decided that that particular shade of blue would never be a part of her wardrobe.
Azure, she later came to realize, dampens her spirits. She tried to prolong her gaze towards the vast blanket of deep blue hue before her, but it would only soon make her eyes watery. For no particular reason at all, every time she’d look up, she'd found her eyes squinting so that they would not become teary-eyed, those were the battles she considered admitting defeat-it seemed to her that the dome of deep sky blue was the only opponent that could make her cry without even trying. It doesn’t matter if it was because of the brightness of the day that was actually doing the trick; she decided that azure above her was the real cause, making her feel trapped on the ground where she stood.
Erza didn’t like cobalt blue nor navy blue, one being toxic in its purest form, the latter one almost appearing as black. It would follow then that she wasn’t fond of the hue of the collective liquid she’d see: blue-green of the swamps, Eton blue of some of the lakes in Fiore, Prussian blue of the waves, Alice blue or light-blue hue of the rivers in Magnolia, and the powder blue of water puddles along the streets in her town whenever rain decided to pour on them. To say the least, she was irked in the blueness of liquid, the promise of translucence and coldness in it. It was a fact that she didn’t like being transparent. She hid in an armor shell, didn’t she?
Royal blue was a no.
She couldn’t even stand electric blue.
She found electric indigo’s hue, and periwinkle’s hue, and cerulean’s hue, and glaucous’ hue ridiculous.
But she could also say that last comment right back to herself.
She couldn’t kid and humor herself for too long… because despite all those antagonism towards all shades of blue, there was one particular shade that she held dear.
It was the baby blue shade of the strands of that man’s hair. His baby blue tufts that looked so soft to touch, a reminder of the blue-colored flame she’ll always see near the bases of lit candles. The blue flame (that looked easy to extinguish) accompanied the red flame as both gave light in the dark. It was a scene that would always, would constantly, and without fail, rekindle her hope that there will be a way for her and for him to be together.
The idea of hating shades of blue was just a phase she’ll have a long time dealing with.
Erza Scarlet didn’t hate all shades of blue, after all.
A/N: Ah, actually I'm a newbie in the Fairy Tail fandom. I just finished reading all the chapters up to the latest one this week (last Sunday was when I decided to read Rave Master and since I fell in love with Mashima-sensei's work I instantly read his next work, which is the said manga) ...and what did you know? I really really really ship Jellal/Erza! (and of course, I love Fairy Tail too!!) So as, uhm, kind of a commemorative thing to welcome myself in the fandom and in the shipping, I made a drabble-fic for this pairing! ^^ I'm still grasping what Erza's character is and that of Jellal's... so sorry for the OOC in here (although I wrote this in a second-person point of view, and Jellal's appearance was just implied, the heck XD) I hope to receive reviews, please? Thank you in advance! <3