Nomicide, Game Three, Session Thirty-Five

Jul 03, 2009 09:38

Session Thirty-Four Poll Resolution
Rule Changes

Standard Proposals
  • 374 by gible, removing players with negative scores from their offices, passed with 3 votes supporting and 1 votes abstaining. gible receives P = (60x(F/V)) - (Ax(12/E)) = (60*(3/4))-0*12/6 = 45 points.
  • 375 by packbat, allowing posts to be substituted for comments, failed with 2 votes supporting and 2 opposing. packbat receives P = (60x(F/V)) - (Ax(12/E)) = (60*(2/4))-2*12/6 = 26 points.

Game Object Proposals


Offices & Office Motions

Contest Proposals

No news.
Session Thirty-Four Activity

Standard Proposals
  • 376 by packbat, restricting withdrawals from the piggy bank to prevention of negative scores. Final text reads:
    Amend 370 to add to the first paragraph:

    A record will be kept of the net number of points deposited in the piggy bank by each player. If the score of a player who has deposited points in the piggy bank would ever drop below zero, that player shall automatically withdraw enough points from the piggy bank to (a) ensure that their score ends up zero or (b) reduce their net deposit to zero, whichever is less. Under no other circumstances may points be withdrawn.

  • 377 by palmer_kun, delaying completion of sessions when no proposals are made. Final text reads:
    Amend 337 to read

    - - -

    The game will proceed by sessions, with each session lasting one or more intervals and beginning at the conclusion of the previous except where otherwise stated. Sessions will be given a number for reference, beginning with 0. Each session consists of four parts, as follows:
    1. At the opening of each session, the session poll will be opened. This poll shall allow all eligible voters to vote on each rule change proposed in the previous session, in the form in which they were proposed at the close of the previous session.
    2. During each session, players may propose rule changes according to the rules then in effect.
    3. The community maintainers will post a reminder entry before 72 hours prior to the close of the session, and again between 29 and 19 hours prior to the close of the session. These posts shall include details for each proposal posted during that session, including at least the proposals name and number, along with a summary of the proposal's contents.
    4. At the end of each session, first, all current proposals shall be closed; second, all rule changes receiving sufficient votes will be enacted; and third, all score changes resulting from that session shall be effected.
    5. If no proposals have been made during an interval, posting of the reminder posts specified in clause 3 above is not required.
    6. If no proposals have been made by the end of an interval, the session length shall automatically be extended by one interval. This extension shall repeat until such time a proposal is made.

  • 378 by gible, reducing scores during every idle interval. Final text reads:
    Amend 348 replacing session with interval(and fixing grammar) to read:

    Each time an interval passes with no new proposals, each player shall lose 10% of their score (rounded away from zero).

    e.g.: 144 would lose 15 point to become 129. -32 would lose -4 points to become -28.

Game Object Proposals

Office Motions

Contest Proposals

  • active_apathy is penalized 5 points for failing to update the ruleset.
  • active_apathy is penalized 1^2 * 2 = 4 points for failing to vote in a first consecutive poll (the session poll).
  • jonatan_kilhamn is penalized 3^2 * 2 = 18  points for failing to vote in a third consecutive poll (the session poll).
  • packbat transfers 25 points to active_apathy as final restitution for the late vote post.
Session Thirty-Five Poll
Poll Session Thirty-Five Poll - Nomicide, Game Three Player List

active_apathy : 119 points
gible, H.S., Mt. : 45 points
jonatan_kilhamn : 87 points
packbat, Dt. : 1 point
palmer_kun, Hd. : 466 points
stagemanager : 93 points

Mean score: 135.1666... points.
Median score: 90 points.


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