A collection of pokemon haiku
Oh Shit, the silph scope
forgotten in bill's pc
Lavender awaits.
Oh, Emo Eevee
Your myspace claims different, but
you are just normal.
Mewtwo, you look like
A human, but you are now
My animal slave
One time, Mr. Mime
touched me. over and over.
the shame will remain.
A. A. A. A. A.
I still haven't found any
Shit in this tunnel.
Mewtwo, my master
ball took Zapdos, so you
will never be mine
oh, joy upon joy
rare candy is found! Koffing,
level-up right now!
Pikachu, wears hats:
The most important thing in
Super Smash Brothers
Yu-Gi-Oh, Digi-
mon, and any other rip-
offs, hear this: fuck you
Bowie, In his
androgynous glory, would
choose Mr. Mime each time
Persian Scratched! You don't
know where it's been. Here comes AIDS,
killing you softly
This lab is burnt down
Men may have died in this place
Is no one alarmed?

You found max potion
In the middle of the road
no-one else wants it
You have caught them all
There is no reward for you

Old fossils spring back to life.
Thank you, Viagra
If they aren't vegans
I shudder to think about
the Pokemon land
Oh, whom shall I choose?
Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?
It doesn't matter.
Fucking Wrap. I hope
It just hits twice. I'm not scared,
but it's just boooring.
Does the meat of a
Dewgong, taste sweeter if you
killed with Ratatta?
Voltorb, Electrode
Why even continue on?
Suicide's your choice
Poison is good, but
toxic is so much better.
Koga, I thank thee
Ash and Gary do
it. A fan fiction told me so.
and those NEVER lie
Goldy, you are weird.
I caught you while fishing, and
you use PECK on me?
Swimmer, I don't like
Your prominent speedo-bulge
Put on some pants please
Bicycle hill, oh
Bicycle hill. Going up
Takes me forever.
Oh, Department Store
Did I even need to go
In you? I guess not
What the fuck are those
Little bumps you jump over?
What the fuck is that?
ty was good enough. why the
hell are there now more?
Tapping A skips text
you must use it with great care
Kill replaced with Leer
Headaches all the time
Also, I'm a yellow duck
Life is misery
ditto, shapeshifter
I can't tell myself from you
you're biting my style

schoolyard fantasies
the electronic children
have missingno dreams
if you stand at lake,
in the safari zone, you
can fish forever.
My dearest Misty
I use harden at your sight
but not on purpose
the bike music plays
oh god, a fucking snorlax
get out of my way

I finally got
all one hundred and fifty
oh god i'm a nerd

Avoid eye contact!
If they see you, they will fight.
You have no hp.
If team rocket is
the evil force they claim, why
don't they pull some guns?
Onxy, and other
big pokemon help compen-
sate my tiny dick
is it a nibble?
no. fuck. no. fuck. no. fuck. no
so much for fishing.
I Swear, Magikarp,
You will get respect and girls,
at level 15.
Dear Team Rocket,
Your focus on ratatta
will be the death of you
Zapdos, you son of
a bitch; do I have to waste
my master ball now?
Yipe! Who might you be?
Perhaps some fantastic beast?
Oh, it's a zubat.

I'm sorry Squirtle
but the polls are in, and the
ladies don't love you
Beat the Elite Four
Get into the hall of fame
What? There's five? Oh fuck
The glow incases
but the dilemma remains:
press B, or evolve?
I go to collect
I will catch them all someday
I have no father
Note to Jigglypuff:
What are you supposed to be?
Some sort of pillow?

Splash Splash, Splishy Splash,
What's that? A little raindrop?
Geodude is dead.

It is Christmas Day
Stupid Grandma bought me
a Pokemon Snap

If Kadabra Has
strong mind controls, why does he
get back in the ball?
Tangela, my sweet
Kiss me and embrace me with
Your kinky bondage
Of all the monsters
Present in this world, Fearow,
Hitler would choose you.
Tangela then Seal?
Or was it Pikachu? oh.
fuck the poke-rap
Squirtle, I choose you
As my starting pokemon
Lead me to glory!
Raticate is lame
I wish I could break its teeth
use bite on Onyx
Cubone, dear Cubone
I'm to understand that is
Your dead mother's skull?
A world where monsters
are free to fight and kill us
is god truly dead?
Swimming endlessly
Peaceful blue waves, swimmers too
Where the fuck am I?
Did Bill really turn
himself into a poke?
Or was it just drag?
Please, police help me!
Parasect won't stop calling
And he knows I'm here!
So I catch dragons?
And these ghosts go in this ball?
Am I playing God?

Clefairy uses
metronome, Explosion is cast
TKO, you fail
Why did my rival's
Sister give me his map? Should
We go bump uglies?
Taming Rapidash
Glorious mount of kings
Ouch, hands are burning.
Latter Pokemon
Why did I purchase you, friend
In my heady youth
Likitung, good sir
You are staring at my crotch
Please stop this business

Drowzy lost a limb!
The pokecentre will fix
With annoying song
Porygon, you suck.
I spent hours just buying
coins to get you. Fuck.
Kangashkahn, tell me
the truth; is Geodude the
father of your brat?
Stupid Kakuna
Nobody wants to catch you
Go harden and die

Jynx, what don't you get?
Just like omanite, you should
be fucking extinct
You got a Snorlax
In that tiny pokeball
without crushing it?
Just imagine, how
many people would die each
year, from Onyx bites.
If there is a god,
and He is fair and just, I
will catch a Chancey
Pokemon: fascist?
There are many policemen
There are no courtrooms

No experience.
Nature's way of telling you,
Stop killing Pidgey

Pokemon: fascist?
Great Man defeats all the rest
And is made Master

Oh fuck. Ohh fuck.
I forgot to save.
Dear Scyther: For all
of the Shit I had to go
through, you aren't worth it.
No, I don't want to
Read about Lapras in some
Erotic fiction
It seems like i'm fucked
one hp, Kingler remains
Fissure wins my badge
The fact that four teens
can write this many poke
haikus is scary
Underneath the cute
Pokemon is made of math
This is unsettling
I often wonder
at night, what pokemon would
God choose to battle?
need to evolve?
walk through a dense forest bush
kill the Metapods

Hey, the bald fat man
He's goddamn everywhere
Like a jell-o friend

They all look the same
Fresh young pokemon nurses
Brock likes that a lot.
Indigo Plateau
Is Just a Metaphor, for
where the drag-queen's dance
Doesn't Misty think?
She could keep her badge if she
let you get to first. (base)
this is not the first
erotic misty in these
pokemon haikus
Trading brings results
Perhaps even a Machamp
But you have no friends

Who care's that i'm al-
most twenty? It's still great to
play on long road trips
If I needed a
Silph Scope to fight ghosts, why can
Lass do it now? Fuck.
What is going on?
This is magic cockfighting
And I am a child!
Yellow, green, blue, red
Crystal, Sapphire, Ruby
Fuck you Nintendo.
A card game for fools
So much money I wasted
Fuck you, Pokemon.
Holy crap, There are so many.