☣☣☣What characters are allowed? Are original characters okay?
This is a panfandom game. All characters from movies, television, games, anime, manga, comics, books, etc. are all acceptable to play here. After much consideration, it's been decided that original characters will be accepted. Original fandom characters, however, may not have close ties to main characters to avoid awkwardness.
How many characters am I allowed to play at a time?
Currently, the limit is four, with a fifth and sixth allowed if activity requirements are met for two months.
So powers aren't taken away? How about weapons?
Powers are not taken away upon entering the city, but natives to the world are equipped with remote-like devices that can disable their powers and cause tremendous pain if they are attacked. Weapons are taken away, but may be acquired from New Century Style in the back room.
So the survivors, can we interact with them?
At this time, the survivors are not played by the mods. Short interactions are allowed to be written out by players, but please keep it simple. The survivors are not allowed to be injured without mod approval.
So my character has to have sex? Do I have to play it out?
Yes, they have to if they're of age or they will not be given their rations of the serum. The first week, they will be symptom free with mild symptoms appearing by the second week, by the third week, they will definitely notice symptoms ranging from a fever increasing in severity, disorientation, violent outbursts, etc. By the fourth week, the virus is debilitating and they will be moved to the hospital by the main facility in the center of town if not given help immediately. That said, you are not required to play it out. Handwaving is fine. You can say your character got help at The Love Shack brothel or with another character (if discussed with the mun beforehand and agreed upon.)
So can my character sleep with an NPC?
Yes, it's acceptable to say that they got help from an NPC, if you don't want to play out sex or find a partner for the character.
My character isn't 18 in canon yet, can I play them still?
You've got two options. You can age them up to 18 (This means physically and mentally) or play them at their official age, but they will not be allowed to play out smut of any kind until their eighteenth birthday. Note that the mods realize that teenagers do have sex before their eighteenth birthday and it is fine to mention it happening if you want.
Also note that the age of consent is 18 in No-Muerta and any one caught having sex with an underage person will be punished, so enter into this carefully.
Is there anything my characters won't be able to find in the city?
What is in the city is all mentioned in the locations page. Players are allowed to make their own businesses or shops to satisfy whatever they wish to see around the city.
Can I find weapons within the city?
There are smugglers at New Century Style, but be careful. If you're caught with weapons stashed anywhere, there will be consequences.
Can my character leave the city?
Not at this time, no.
Can I play two characters from the same canon?
You can, if the two aren't closely related and do not need to interact with one another. We try to avoid playercest as much as we can here.
What's the activity check like?
Activity check is held the week before the end of the month. You must show proof of at least one of the following posted within the month:
A network post
A log
A comment thread at least 20 comments long.
Anyone that doesn't meet the requirement will be removed from the game due to inactivity.
What's the mun age limit?
Because this is an adult-themed game, players have to be at least 18 years of age to app here.
So will there be zombie attacks?
Most definitely! They will randomly happen and be announced throughout the city.
Will there be events held at City No-Muerta?
Yes. There will be random events held every so often that will range from serious to sexy to cracky.
What sort of plot can we expect here?
There will be a main plot involving the heads of City No-Muerta as well as side-plots that will be enacted throughout the game. These will include experimentation, torture, what actually caused the virus, etc. Side-plots will range in what they deal with and may be player run or suggested.
How long does the app approval take?
Apps will be approved as soon as possible. The longest it will take is one week though most will be approved within the day. If you have not heard a response by one week though, please contact the mods.
Is there a chat room?
there is no official chatroom at this time. This may change in the future.
Are there any characters not allowed here?
Most characters are allowed, but all must be humanized or with humanoid features.
Any kinks not allowed?
Bestiality is not allowed. Underage characters are allowed to be mentioned to be in a relationship with an older person, but please note this will have consequences if found out the same as it would in real life. Sex is also not allowed to be played out. The same goes for sex among two underage characters--fade to black is fine, however.
My character has a pet, can they appear here as well?
Pets are allowed, yes. The virus has no effect on them.
How do my characters access the network?
Via the cellphone (think iPhone) or laptop they're given upon entering the city.
What happens if my character doesn't have sex by the fourth week?
They will become very ill and taken to the main headquarters in the center of the city. They must be removed from the game for at least 24 hours before they are returned with horrible, fuzzy memories of the time spent being cured. This includes injections, IVs, being restrained, etc. Let your imagination run wild here.
There will also be after-effects when they are returned which will include headaches, extreme fatigue, nausea, etc. It will subside and may not be present in all characters.
What happens if my character dies?
Characters have an advantage over natives. They are returned to life within the week, though they will be very ill and in need of attention ASAP.
Is slash/yaoi/yuri okay to play here?
It is perfectly fine! Though please do keep in mind that while it is acceptable and more than welcomed, characters will have to deal with scorn from the survivors, medical staff, and police officers. They were brought here to mate and instead they've found a loophole (in the minds of the natives).
So there will be discrimination?
Unfortunately yes. It will not always be overt, it will depend on the person.
What about pregnancy plots?
Repopulating the earth is why sex is required in the first place, so they're fine so long as they are tastefully/realistically done.
What are options if I don't want to deal with pregnancy plots?
Acquiring condoms from New Century Fashion, non-penetrative sex acts, the pull-out method (though this isn't always successful), or same-sex intercourse. Pretty much run wild with any ideas you've got! Masturbation will work for awhile, though not forever. The devices located in the citizens' bodies will link up during intercourse and be monitored during the duration and this does not happen during masturbation. Mutual masturbation is passable though.
Does rape work?
Yes, though it will be met with punishment if reported.
My character is ill, what will happen?
They will be given treatment for their illness just like the zombie virus, though symptoms might start showing up the same as the virus if they do not have sex.
What about STDs?
There are cures and treatments available if necessary.
How are character journals used?
Character journals are unused beyond listing information about the character and offering a contact post to reach the mod. The game is entirely community based. Network posts are made in
citynomuerta and logs are posted at
I have a question that wasn't answered here!
No problem! Either leave a comment here (which will be screened) or e-mail a mod nomuertamods@gmail.com.