☣☣☣The World Before
It was an alternate version of our own modern world. Though full of imperfections, no one quit expected what happened next...
The Virus
The virus was first noticed in a small gas station in an unremarkable town. It started with one man rushed to the emergency room suffering a high grade fever and complaining of severe headaches, sore muscles, fatigue. Within the day, he began to display severe disorientation and degradation in motor skills, an increase in anger and frustration over minor difficulties, and eventually, an appetite like no other. He attacked a nurse and from there, the virus spread quickly, city by city, state by state, country by country until it was a widespread pandemic.
Eventually, doctors were able to define symptoms and the virus's progress in people, how it was spread, and how it mutated, but it was far too little too late. They had no cure and the population was quickly declining due to the illness and resulting deaths. Quarantines didn't work, killing the infected didn't work, nothing helped.
But the symptoms of the disease are as follows:
Week One
- A low grade fever.
- Slight fatigue.
- Headaches.
Other minor symptoms that are easily ignored or chalked up to minor ailments.
Week Two
- The fever gets progressively worse.
- The headaches are more frequent, causing sensitivity to light and noise.
- The fatigue is worse.
- Irritability follows, as well as an increase in violent thoughts.
- Slight disorientation and memory problems may develop.
Week Three
- The fever will be at an all time high.
- Pain in the body worsens.
- Nausea and vomiting occur, though hunger increases despite it.
- Disorientation becomes more noticeable. Degradation of mind and body are apparent.
- The fatigue, on the other hand, lessens or becomes less of a concern as the mind is affected, giving the ill more strength back.
- violent outbursts become frequent.
Week Four
- The fever remains at a dangerously high level.
- The violent outbursts are common, causing the ill to attack anyone close.
- They appear to no longer pay attention or feel pain. Injuries will be ignored no matter how grave. This is why it becomes necessary to kill the infected.
- The ill develop cannibalistic tendencies to sate their hunger and will attack unprovoked.
- The ill have been reduced to almost animalistic tendencies, nothing remaining of rationality or logic. Motor skills function at very basic levels.
The virus was first spread through bodily fluids and contact so to become infected, one would have to be bitten or come in contact with blood, saliva, or bodily wastes. It mutated though, spreading through the air, and making it impossible to control despite best efforts.
Though not entirely on the mark, most people have taken to calling the ill zombies.
The Apocalypse
Being unable to contain or stop the virus, it spread fast. It looked like the end was upon the entire world, left to die out or be eaten by ravenous zombies. There were those who tried to make a stand, barricade themselves, avoid infected areas, shut down airports and other modes of travel from place to place or overseas.
But it was too late.
There were hardly any healthy people left and the ill were everywhere, making it nearly impossible to scavenge for food or water. Chaos was seen everywhere; people turning on people, violence against anyone who so much as sneezed or had a scratch visible.
Governments had fallen, people were left clinging to sanity that was slipping away and giving into their grim fates.
At least until a glimpse of hope was seen...
Helicopters flew all over, announcing a city that had risen up from the ash, a safe haven.
Unfortunately, only seventeen survivors made it to the city.
The City
City No-Muerta, the city underground. Its origins are unknown, the officials and those who head it are never seen, always holed up in the large facility in the middle of the city. The city itself is secured, with only one exit in the form of an elevator up to the ground level.
Food tends to come in cans or rations though there is a farm that has fresh crops and animals, though it's expensive to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats.
It's fully modern and technology is up to date. Internet activity is limited, however, due to the decay of the outside world, and restricted to just within the city.
There's temporary housing, shops, schools, and entertainment run by the surviving people as well as very good health care and a police force.
It's equipped with artificial night and day, as well as seasons, for the comfort of citizens.
For those who break the law either by stealing, murdering, hacking into classified documents, or any other unacceptable behavior, there is punishment.
Minor Theft, burglary, fighting
You will be imprisoned in a holding facility for two to three weeks. During this time, you will experience symptoms of the virus and not given help until the day you are released.
Major murder, acts of terrorism, attacking officials or health care professionals, etc.
Death. The guilty will be sent to the surface of the city to meet their fate with the zombies.
The Cure
The cure. A godsend to those who had seen their deaths at hand. Unfortunately, the first batch of the cure had a defect, rendering the 17 survivors sterile though otherwise healthy. The defect was found and corrected, though too late to reverse the damage.
Those new to the city are given the cure in the form of an implant. The implant isn't seen outside the body, nor is its location known. Doctors keep x-rays and other documents under close wraps to prevent anyone from locating it and/or attempting to remove it.
It has a price though. As incentive to reproduce, the serum contained within is only given after sexual release has been met either through full intercourse, masturbation or anything in between.
No need to worry about an overdose or not receiving your medication! The device is very intelligent. It can tell when sexual arousal begins and when climax has been reached. It will never give a person over the recommended dosage either.
It should be noted that masturbation will only work for so long. The device can tell when sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a partner is taking place by linking up with the device in the partner(s) body. If masturbation is used as the sole method for too long, it will gradually decrease the dosage of medicine the citizen is given, eventually giving just enough to get by.
Just a note! New citizens are all infected with the virus upon entering the world. Symptoms of the virus will be non-existent the first week and begin on the second. It is possible to go up to three weeks without intercourse before the virus begins to affect daily life. By week three, you will experience symptoms similar to week two under the virus section of this page and by week four, the disease will be progressively worse and unmanageable.
The new version of the cure has no known side effects.
Aggressive treatments for those who did not comply before the last stage of the illness are painful. It takes a week of being restrained and pumped full of the regular serum along with a few others that have far worse side effects. These side-effects include extreme fatigue, pain, faintness, nausea, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, and other discomforts for up to a week after treatment is finished. During the time it is administered, it is extremely painful and not uncommon for survivors of it to remember it as a feverish nightmare, full of torture and pain. Their full memory is always fuzzy, shot from the illness and drugs used to keep them sedated. It's agreed that it's better to never let the virus progress that far.
While the cure will work on most advanced cases, it will not work on all. The virus eventually creates permanent brain damage that cannot be reversed as well as causes a lot of damage to the rest of the body. Zombies are prone to self-injury or injuring other diseased in their rage and are typically unaware of even life-threatening injuries, which would be difficult to treat.
The Machine
Also referred to as Plan B. The Machine is what brings new citizens in from various worlds and times. Scientists were developing the machine for awhile, right along with the serum. It was an alternative plan just in case no survivors turned up or the serum somehow failed.
Which it did. It left the survivors sterile and Plan B became the only solution for survival.
The interior looks like a white room, almost a closet. The outside is never seen as new arrivals are blindfolded right off.
The ill are mindless, animalistic killing machines. The world above the city is full of them and is considered uninhabitable. The city is safe and secure most of the time, but zombies entering the city is not unheard of. This is due to the severest form of punishment, putting criminals to death by sending them to the surface or during routine surveillance of the surface by the guards. The surveillance is done monthly. This is when newcomers are supposedly rescued. Both of these trips require the entrance to the city to be opened for a time and allows undesirables to sometime sneak in.
The Natives
There are 17 survivors, not including those that live in the main building in the center of town and the staff at the hospitals and police force. The 17 survivors were rendered infertile thanks to the first test of the cure. Though the disease is managed, they would have not been able to replenish the population.
They are aware of where the citizens come from, how they are acquired, and many are willing to help thanks to guilty consciences, though they are not keen to get close to the citizens in any way beyond that.
The first thing new citizens experience is the sensation of having been drugged or sedated. They will still be disoriented, waking in a small room almost the size of a closet. The next thing that happens is they're grabbed and cuffed by guards decked out in protective gear and masks. After that, they are blindfolded then taken to a truck, though it's removed after they're secured inside. In the back of the vehicle, they are driven through a wasteland with one window to peer out from. They will see the zombies fighting to get inside and know that each bump they go over is likely a body.
Eventually, they will reach a large building where the vehicle will be secured. Afterward, they are are guided by the guards once again to an examination room where they are sedated. When they wake up, they will feel weak and sore and be informed they had a minor surgery to be fitted with the implant that will save their lives. Though they will have a small incision on their stomach, the exact location of the device is unknown once it is placed inside. It is not visible through the skin, planted deeply into the body.
After that, they are taken via elevator down into the city and given shelter in temporary housing. The temporary housing is a large building with a main dining hall, two bathrooms separated by gender with privacy stalls and showers. Each citizen is given a room that they will share with another. New citizens are allowed to stay there for three weeks, long enough to find work and get a little bit of money together for a place of their own. The housing project is overseen by Mama. There is a live-in cook, Sheryl, who serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as a counselor who will try to explain and be as helpful in settling citizens in as he can.
Attacks on the staff are met with zero tolerance.
New citizens are told the circumstances of their arrival and what to expect. Powers are not nullified unless the situation calls for it. If a citizen tries to attack an original survivor, staff at the hospital, or any member of the police force, they should be aware that those native to the world are equipped with a remote control-like device that will disable their powers and cause tremendous pain. Their belongings (if dangerous) are taken.
Thanks to being exposed to the air outside without the safety of masks and being exposed to the ill above ground, the newcomers themselves carry the virys even if they had strong immunity back home.
Babies and children in the city are given a dosage via their implant on a schedule without the required sexual intercourse. They are not expected to perform this act until their eighteenth birthday in which their implant will be modified.
It is not officially made available. You can acquire it from the back room in New Century Style, however.
The Game
City No-Muerta is an adult panfandom game, horror-based in nature. Characters from all forms of media ranging from books, comics, television, movies, games, anime, etc. as well are original characters are encouraged and welcomed. No one under 18 is allowed to play here due to explicit content.