Holy fuck! World Series! Broad Street!
Complete with drunks, partial nudity, closed streets, DUMPSTER FIRES, destroyed (i mean, destroyed) bus stops, new stands toppled, smoke bombs, and glass everyyyyyywhere. I can't begin to describe the chaos.
And it's all thanks to tiny Penn:
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Oct 16, 2008 00:26
So there are times when living on South Street is not so awesome. One of them is when the Phillies advance to the World Series for the first time in 15 years. Philadelphia, don't hurt yourself
Oct 10, 2008 21:21
So I went into the library today wanting to reread Persepolis. Well, they had the first book, so yay. And then I noticed James Sturm's America. And it's one of those things I always see in comic shops, think "this looks vaguely interesting", and then pass over. The title then reminds that maybe I should look over the US history section despite the
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Oct 04, 2008 14:34
Why this weekend generally sucketh:
- I couldn't afford to go to SPX, which i was planning on going to for months.
- Karl and I aren't seeing eachother until (his) further notice. I feel like a child on time out. All guilt ridden and needing re-acceptance.
- Lost my transpass this morning walking to the El. Dammit.
-Rad nudie mag from 1960
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Sep 01, 2008 17:45
I'm pretty angry that it's LABOR DAY and the people on today at my place of work aren't getting extra pay.
Also I'm in a monogamous relationship these days!
Aug 31, 2008 21:03
I got sick while Kelly visited this past week! Which made me a shitty host. But I took her on tiny door tour. I'm seriously going to start a "TINY DOORS OF PHILADELPHIA: THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM IS A TIGHT SQUEEZE" And it's going to be great and totally full of LIBERTY
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