Holy Plagiarism Batman!

Sep 28, 2007 23:10

Woah. This is freaky. I only just found this thread on BF and am disgusted by the amount of plagiarism going on. If you like reading controversial posts then go ahead but if you don't enjoy stuff like that don't go beyond the first post. The case against justin_sm is particularly painful due to his vehement denials of any form of plagiarism on both his LJ and the thread when the pile of evidence against him is staggering. His continual reference on his LJ to 'his story' and how no one listens to it before making judgements is completely hysterical as he hasn't actually provided said story except to his 'true friends'.

I haven't been on BF very often and haven't posted for ages but I do trust that neither Dana or Peace would ever frame an innocent person (also, why would they do that in the first place?) or make any claims as serious as these without a mountain of evidence (which they have posted up). While the maturity in the comments on his LJ posts isn't high, I don't think he helped the matter much either.

Why am I talking about this? Because I really love the BF/BW community. I first signed up in back when it was BW and it was what first got me into fanart (an interest which has waned considerably for me) and into forums and the Internet in general. I care a lot about the forum and this plagiarism is just utterly disgusting. I simply cannot utter how painful it is to read Justin's counter case and his comments...

My current need for a "Oh my god, this is retarded" icon" is overwhelming.

plagiarism, buffy, forums, buffyworld, annoyed, internet

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