Player Information
Name: Jake.
Personal Journal:
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Other Characters:
headedforhope |
cagemyhappiness Character Information
Name: Dr. Blank. (Alias; no real name given.)
Source Canon: Parasite Eve; the 3rd Birthday.
Age: Unknown, guesstimated at 21.
Role In Canon: Side character: lead scientist of the Counter Twisted Investigation team, intelligence support for the protagonist Aya Brea.
Justification: The idea of a computer hacker has generally been considered a predominantly male-orientated role, the same as most jobs within the military or government. As Blank fits two of those three roles (hacker and government employeee), I thought it would be interesting to explore that experience from a female perspective.
Wiki page. |
Canon timeline.Changes: Blank is a fairly fluid character for crossing genders because his canon personality, mindset and goals (what we know of them) are neither built around nor based upon gender-specific issues. The interest in scientific research- the desire to assist Aya Brea in changing the past to save the future- the burden of completely erasing all former personal history- and the experience of living behind a persona remain unchanged regardless of whether Blank is male or female. For the most part, Blank will be the same person in the Gardens as a woman that he was in canon as a man, with minor differences: she will be somewhat prouder of/defensive about her computer skills, given the likely sexism she would have had to overcome in the workplace. She'll be even more reticent about the past she had to wipe clean, as the death threats she received from terrorist cells could have easily included sexual threats as well. Finally, when it comes to romantic relationships (in the context of those with men, especially), Blank will be a great deal more distant and unwilling to engage in those kinds of liaisons on the grounds that she simply can't risk leaving a genetic trail in the form of a child, let alone making that child a possible target of the aforementioned terrorist cells.
Personality: What's in a name? If you go by a moniker like "Dr. Blank", probably not much.
Yet that's the funny thing about Blank. For a girl with a truckload of secrets that lives behind a persona, she comes across as more open and easy-going than nearly all of her colleagues. Some of this can be attributed to the sheer fact of her young age; where the others are cool and collected, or at least noticeably mature, Blank doesn't display the same kind of professional restraint. She's the joker of the group, with a childish streak a mile long, ready with a quip or sarcastic comment for just about anything. This makes her fit in perfectly as the friendly voice of advice in Aya's ear, serving as the protag's main link back to the present by means of a constant chatter of very human observations. A talkative, optimistic, humorous individual that seems to be as easy with people as she is all alone in her computer room.
And yet "Blank's" entire existence is an interesting line drawn between truth and lies. On one hand she's an expressive girl that doesn't overly try to hide her emotions. When she's angry, she'll whine; if something's funny, she'll be the first to laugh. One can count on Blank to be the most open about her feelings, to speak up first, even if she doesn't have anything worthwhile to say. Yet beneath her genuinely warm nature lies an intensely private person, guarded and withdrawn about a great deal. Not once is anything concrete about her past revealed, those dangerous details played very close to the vest. Despite the goofing around and slight naivete when it comes to dealing with a world not defined by codes or familiar faces, Blank is no fool; her life is only safe as long as she remains a living, breathing mystery.
She's well-aware that to breach these self-protective boundaries might prove to be her death warrant....and that's the very last thing Blank wants. While something of a recluse largely happy shut up inside, she's developed her own quiet, almost lonely ambitions that are nonetheless important to her and worth striving for: to continue working with computers and delving further into the research that interests her. Ultimately, she believes that those pursuits alone will be enough to content her. Blank tries hard to keep others like the CTI crew at arms length, even as she cares for and knowingly risks a great deal for them, because she's aware that none of them are allowed to get too close. In the face of all her friendliness, it's easy to forgot just how no one will ever really know Blank. Like a ripple on the surface of water, she can be seen but never caught. It's impossible, and that's just how she prefers it.
Abilities: Blank is a genius when it comes to codes and computers. At the tender age of 14, she stole NSA data using a variation of the Trojan Horse program she invented herself; despite being arrested fairly immediately after the fact, that's no mean feat for a young kid to pull off. She was also jointly responsible for the development and control of the very machine that allows Aya's consciousness to travel back in time- the Overdive machine. However, the downside of spending so much time in a comfy chair working on databases is that Blank is not in any great athletic shape.
D_M post