I decided that I'm going to quit smoking weed. It doesn’t bring me happiness anymore. in-fact, it does quite the opposite. I think I’ll be a lot better off without it.
not much to say. im pretty thankful for everything. maybe its the hurricane stories but im like stepping back and realizing that i'm too fortunite to bitch. i miss my friends because im working alot now. but its nice to have money. all and all things are okay. i hope everyone is doing fine. peace.
My dad told me yesterday that something like 22% of people die the first time they inhale aerosols. (ie duster) which I found interesting, and thought I’d share. Maybe I will post an actual post sometime soon. Maybe not. HAVE A NICE DAY BYE.
K so, friends only. Most of you are already under friends. I'll add anyone else if you want, as long as I know your not some weird stalker guy who rapes little children, or your my parents, or your friends of my parents ect.