since no one has posted anything recently, i just thought of doing so.
thank you for being, my love.
A sudden realization when the lights go out and darkness envelops everything:
Oh, how this darkness shrouds everything around me
like a blanket of black under which reality resides.
I know reality is there. somewhere. but where?
and suddenly, existence starts to waver in my mind.
as everything disappears and slowly ceases to be.
until, that is, I strike a match;
open the lights;
or let in the sunlight through an open window.
and then, only then, as my eyes see the beauty of the world around me,
do things start to be. to exist. to be real.
for the cover of darkness could only be taken away by light.
but of course, light only plays as small a part compared to my eyes.
For I do not see, if I do not look.
I do not feel, if I do not touch.
I do not know, if I do not believe.
but I can only do this, with the light as my guide.
So thank you, for being my light, my love.
you illuminated the world around me, and showed me it was still there.
and more than that - you showed me beauty.
beauty that the world had always offered to give, yet i did not see.
so thank you, my love.
my love thank you.
for being.
Writer's notes:
I was half asleep while writing this so pardon me if it isn't really the best of works i've made (not that any of my works were even good). anyway, it's the message i wanted to show that's really important. so yeah. it's pretty straightforward anyway.