On the job market again

Nov 07, 2009 09:08

Well, Current Employer has finally gone well and truly crazy, and it's time for me to restart the old job hunt.

Basically, they ran out of money without warning anybody, and decided to furlough the entire Cambridge office over the next couple of months, starting next week. Surprise!

But wait, there's more!

The CEO has seemingly decided that it was more fun when the company was just him and half a dozen close friends doing contract R&D gigs, and has decided to "spin off" the remaining 80% of the company including me* as a "Rural GSM, Inc." sort of company. That means that (if he finds more money) I would be in a company with all of the built up organizational crud, stripped of its useful assets, most experienced engineers, and token decisive manager, and with no actually novel software projects for the foreseeable future. Oh, and with all management decisions taking a round-trip through India, for extra time-shifted fun.

If the organizational side is bad, but the business case is frankly bizarre. If these two partial companies were independently viable businesses then there was no reason to split the company in the first place. If the contract R&D shop is viable and and the spinoff is not then this furlough is a layoff by another name. If he thought the spinoff were viable and the contract R&D shop not, the CEO wouldn't have chosen this path in the first place.

So I think this furlough is in effect a layoff with no severance plus the promise of a particularly unappealing job offer in a couple of months. Since I don't much care for "Rural GSM Inc." or whatever the spinoff is going to be (if it even really exists) it's time to open up the job search again.

That means that if you know a company that needs a nonnihil, I would love to know about it. Particularly if it isn't in telecoms!

(* From a purely conservation-of-angular-momentum perpective, I question whether one can be said to "spin off" a larger and more massive object -- surely it is oneself that is offspun!)


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