Yeah, the drama of the band continues...I can't wait until this whole thing has sort of settled into a well-oiled machine. It will happen. It'll just take some time. Until then, this will be front and center in my life along with balancing everything else.
One guitarist was canned and after he called the 2nd one, well, he decided to quit. There was one replacement ready but Aerosmith is a 2 guitar band. The new guy (who was also in a tribute but not when Gethyn was in it) did it right...except for one song that he decided needed to be played in a completely different key than the samples were in. If he'd just turned around and looked at G instead of hanging his hair over his face and concentrating real hard on continuing to do the wrong thing it could have been fixed but it looks like he doesn't really play well with others. Guitar players...what can I tell ya.
The crowd was dead...I mean energy sucking dead. Pffft on them!!!
On Thursday, the band will be the 2nd of 2 opening bands for Vince Neil in Milton...not much pay but the shmooze factor will be very, very high. They can't screw this up. The 2nd guitarist is ready to go apparently. On Sunday the 14th, they will be at the Philthy McNasty's at Yonge and Eglinton in TO. They really are good (surprisingly so) if not really loud. Come on out if you can. It's fun if nothing else.
Oh, and I'm finally up on the webpage but it's not a very flattering photo in my opinion...darn!