Pairing: Clex
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: A sweet exchange.
A/N: written for the
clexmas True Love Fest prompt: candy.
(And yes, I am enough of a dork that I researched Conversation Hearts before writing this drabble, to make sure all the phrases I used were legit. This type of AR behavior is why you love me.)
Lex had been finding little candy hearts everywhere for the past three days.
He’d never doubted who was responsible. It started as they had: MY PAL. Lex had smiled and let it melt on his tongue, powdery sweetness like chaste kisses and secrets long kept.
The next ones had been equally friendly: HELLO, FOR YOU, YOU RULE.
But then they’d become ambiguous: DREAM, ASK ME, WHY NOT?
And finally, daring: OH BOY, SO FINE, ALL MINE.
So the next time Clark strolled through his door, Lex demanded, “Where’s my candy?”
Clark just grinned, uncurled his fingers.
Lex did.